T1 Keria apologized for changing his World skin at the last moment

Keria recently conducted a poll on his Instagram account, creating a buzz among T1 fans as the team prepared to release commemorative Worlds 2023 skins. In an interesting turn of events, the support player decided to deviate from the popular vote at the last minute, opting for a champion that resonated with him personally.

Image via Riot Games

This began with Faker, T1’s iconic player, choosing Orianna over the more conventionally popular Ahri. This departure from the expected set the tone for the emotional journey that T1 fans would embark on.

Following suit, Keria found himself torn between two champions, eventually leaving the decision to his followers through an Instagram vote.

T1 Keria chose Bard over Renata for the Worlds 2023 skin

Despite the fan rallying behind Renata, Keria remained uncertain about this choice. In a surprising twist, he reached out directly to Riot after the deadline and disregarded the popular vote to select the champion that truly spoke to him.

T1 Renata skin confirmed
Keria – hmm lol

Not content with this decision, Keria took to Instagram once again, pitting Renata against Bard and allowing his fans to influence the final choice. Predictably, Renata, being the more popular champion, emerged victorious in the poll.

However, T1 support player, despite having submitted his decision to Riot, made a dramatic last-minute alteration, settling on Bard.

Image via Riot Games

With the skins’ deadline past, Keria found himself committed to Bard, prompting apologies to both Riot and his viewers, particularly those who had hoped for Renata based on the initial poll results.

This unexpected change delighted Bard players, especially well-known Bard player, while leaving Renata devotees a tad disappointed.

Image via Riot Games

In the end, the journey of T1’s Worlds 2023 skins became a rollercoaster of emotions, showcasing the players’ personal connections to their chosen champions and the dynamics between fan expectations and individual preferences.