T1 Rekkles discusses his autism and how he has become a better player

Rekkles recently disclosed his high-functioning autism diagnosis during a livestream interview with Caedrel, marking a significant moment in his life and career.

This revelation, which came to light in September 2023, prompted him to reassess various aspects of his life. Despite initial concerns, Rekkles expressed that understanding his diagnosis has brought clarity and improvement to his life.

“In September, I get my diagnosis. I have high-functioning autism, or I’m on the autism spectrum,” 

“I wish I knew sooner that I had this, but I’m also just happy that I know now. Because, from now on, I feel like I can make my life much better.”

He attributed his diagnosis to providing valuable insights into past career decisions, particularly highlighting the importance of stability in his practice environment.

Rekkles emphasized his need for routine and structure, acknowledging that changing teams frequently didn’t suit him well in the past. He compared his mind’s functioning to a computer experiencing a “bluescreen,” requiring a reset to regain functionality.

This newfound understanding has enabled him to let go of past anxieties and embrace his individuality more confidently.

Furthermore, Rekkles praised T1 for accommodating his preferences and creating a detailed schedule tailored to his needs. Despite facing challenges during T1’s debut in the LCK CL split, the organization supported Rekkles and adjusted to ensure his success. He expressed gratitude for the team’s efforts, noting that it significantly reduced his stress and panic.

Looking ahead, Rekkles intends to continue his career with T1, expressing a desire to play until at least the age of 30. He emphasized that he doesn’t plan on retiring before achieving certain milestones, including playing alongside Faker.

Throughout the interview with Caedrel, Rekkles provided insights into various topics, including his tenure in the LEC and the challenges faced by T1 due to DDoS attacks. His candid discussion about his autism diagnosis has offered fans and the League community a deeper understanding of his journey and experiences.