Riot addressed Tahm Kench changes in LoL Patch 13.21

Riot Games is set to reintroduce Tahm Kench with a series of modifications to his kit in the forthcoming League of Legends patch 13.21.

Despite his relative absence from significant adjustments since December of the previous year, Riot has now turned its attention to the popular catfish champion, bringing about what they term as an “adjustment” to his gameplay.

The decision to revisit Tahm Kench appears to be rooted in his current statistical performance. As of now, he maintains a win rate of 49.39% across all ranks. However, the pick rate in different roles tells a more nuanced story, with 1.16% in the Top lane and 0.58% in the Support role, according to League statistics These adjustments are seemingly aimed at enhancing his overall viability, particularly in his primary roles.

Image via Riot Games

Tahm Kench changes in Patch 13.21

Passive – An Acquired Taste

W – Abyssal Dive

Image via Riot Games

While Riot officially categorizes these changes as an “adjustment,” a closer look reveals a leaning towards a buff for Tahm Kench. Given the champion’s reliance on health scaling, the marginal damage reduction might not be felt.

However, the introduction of a 2% bonus HP increase holds more significance. This change could notably impact player strategies, allowing for an accelerated rate of proccing the Heartsteel passive and acquiring bonus HP, potentially influencing the itemization choices of Tahm Kench players.

Image via Riot Games

Furthermore, the increased cooldown refund on his Abyssal Dive ability may serve as an encouragement for players to adopt a more aggressive playstyle. With a reduced cooldown, players may find themselves more willing to engage in trades and skirmishes, adding a layer of versatility to Tahm Kench’s gameplay.

Image via Riot Games

While these adjustments are described as marginal, their collective impact on Tahm Kench’s playstyle and effectiveness in various roles remains uncertain. League of Legends players can anticipate observing the repercussions of these changes with the release of Patch 13.21, officially scheduled for October 25.