Serious Talon Bugs that has existed for 5 years but Riot doesn’t know?

Players recently pointed out that Talon has made a number of critical bugs since the end of 2016, but Riot was unaware of this.

For a League of Legends player, bugs are all too familiar in the game. However, in recent years, Riot does not seem to do this well when leaving even more errors, glitches exists in the game for years without even knowing it.

Image via Riot Games

Most recently, we have the case of Talon when the Reddit user has compiled a very detailed post of 11 bugs in total that this champion encountered. It’s worth noting that many of the bugs that arose when Talon was reworked in patch 6.22 (i.e. 5 years ago) still exists till these days.

Typical of these bugs is the fake Blade’s End mark that appears on champions that can block his W – Rake. In the video, we can see that the returning of his W is blocked by Nocturne Spellshield, yet there is a fake stack applying on Nocturne.

Other major problems include Talon being unable to “parkour” when using E – Assassin’s Path due to the control skills, despite having the spell shield to block any ability. In addition, the blade of his R – Shadow Assault will disappear completely if you reactivate this skill while attacking another untargetable or vanishes target.

These are all the bugs that have been around since Talon was reworked (5 years ago), and there have been many more since then. However, as previously said, it still remains today since Riot Games were unaware of it. It wasn’t until players posted on Reddit that Riot Games staff know about the bug and tried to fix it.