Team Ambition’s coach and player fired after Tyler1 exposes their boosting


Amateur LoL team Team Ambition has recently had to fire their coach Chocovanille and jungler Anticipation after it was discovered that Anticipation had been boosting and wintrading her main account to Master on his smurf r5 jungle.

Official statement from Team Ambition

Image via Riot Games

Tyler1’s original exposé

It’s worth mentioning that Anticipation and Chocovanille were dating. so Chocovanille the coach was boosted on her main by her bf on his smurf.

Then she had the audacity to post this (June 2) after initial allegations came out

It’s rough being doubted for my worth as a woman in esports but I am surrounded with people that support me and believe in my potentiel. It’s time for me to believe in myself at last.

Imagine being so shameless that you brag about your ‘accomplishment’ after being boosted. Then did the wintrading on your main pro account in Tyler1’s game in front of 20 thousand viewers!

Chocovanille has since deleted her Twitter and changed her IGN profiles in question

r5 jungle threw games he queued against the coach, and carried her with Olaf jungle when they’re on the same team.

The 2 had been doing this for a while, and Riot did not take any actions. It wasn’t until Tyler1 exposed them onstream and the amateur org’s subsequent actions that any punishment was dealt. Not a good look for Riot in light of recent bad PR.

Image via Riot Games