Teamfight Tactics mid-update season 3 (PBE May 27, 2020)

Hello guys. As you know, we already have a post about new 5 champions that may be added into the game, and today I won’t let you guys have to wait anymore today I will bring you all new information about new champions and new origins/classes.

This is a big update at mid-set 3 as Riot Games has said before and players will have ranked rewards for season 1,2 and season 3 before it is updated. And Riot Games will update this in patch 10.12.

Let see what we got in this big update:

Before I tell you about new champions and new actives for origins/classes, there is something you need to notice: Selling Price have been reworked! For example, if you sell a 2-star Jayce, you will get 9 gold instead of 5 gold like before. This will make holding onto units less punishing and pivoting to a different comp more powerful.

The percentage of 1-gold units at level 4 this will decrease the effectiveness of hyper-rolling for comps like Xayah Celestial Blademasters, Poppy Vanguard,…

This update will add two new origins: Astro and Battlecast, and one new class: Paragon. That means there will be some origins and classes getting to be removed in this update. Void and Valkyrie along with champion of those origins/classes will be get rid of. We will have 9 units replaced with brand new 14 units.


In the previous post: “New 5 champions that might be added to TFT: Mech-Pilot are going to have new members”, we have predicted that we are going to have new traits based on pictures that have been leakedfrom a Chinese player, so now it is true that we are going to have new champions and new traits. Battlecast is a trait that gains value from dealing and taking damage multiple times, meaning these champions will deal more damage and survive for a long time. Luckily, a lot of their classes facilitate this. Nocturne as an Infiltrator can make use of the Attack Speed boost to proc this origin, while Kogmaw as a Blaster can take advantage of attacking multiple enemies at once to do the same.

With Cassiopeia, this comp already have 2 Mystics to gain more Magic Resist and Urgot as a protector will shield himself constantly thanks to his low mana cost. We all know there was a time Xin Zhao were unkillable with 4 Protectors. Now just imagine the Battlecast bonus activating every 10 times he receives or deals damage. Thanks to the new Spatula item, Battlecast Armor, you can change any of your champions into a Batllecast unit.


You can see GNAR IS BACK!!! But this time, Gnar will have a cheaper mana cost and a cuter outfit thanks to Astro. Not only Gnar, but also we now have Nautilus comeback to TFT in this mid-season and this time Nautilus will immediately cast when combat starts can yield you a victory in an almost unwinnable round. A new champion that we can not ignore is Bard as his active allow you to sell a meep for 1 xp and this will able you to level up faster to find Gnar and Teemo.


We already have a guess that Janna is a Star Guardian and she might be a 4-gold champion to replace Soraka and now she is a 5-gold champion but with a new trait instead of replace Soraka. With this new trait, Janna will very useful in a comp using a heavy physical damage comp, like Blademasters or Snipers, in order to counter teams using Vanguards. She also strong enough to replace Neeko in Star Guardian comp.


These 3 new champions will be added into the game to replace those who have been removed. Zed will join Rebel force and replace Kha’zix in Infiltrator comp. Vayne will be added Cybernetic and Sniper to share damage with Cybernetic comp and you now can using Vayne before you have Irelia. What we need to focus in these new 3 Champions is Riven. She will be added into Chrono and Blademaster to replace Kayle. With these origin and class, Riven will be very powerful in few more patches.


Comps like Brawler-Blaster that relied on Giant Slayer for their damage will now have to experience new options. Chalice of Favor now is no longer buff mana to the user and its allies and it will stack AP for Soccerer comps at back-line. With new Infinity Edge, Shaco will no longer a nightmare to your back-line.


This new change will able players to activate Dark Star more easily and will have more options to build their team. It seems that Chrono is now very worth playing because Riven has been added into the game as a Blademaster and Chrono-Blademaster might become a new meta in patch 10.12. The tanky Vanguard + Mystic team which appeared at the early of TFT Set 3 could make a resurgence due to the change of Vanguard and they now have Cassiopeia as a second carry.

I can not wait until this update show up into our sever and this will be an extremely exciting patch. I will update for you if there is anything new about TFT and please share this post if you like it because it is free and this is a motivation for me to write more for you guys.