TFT Patch 13.3: Biggest Augment change that allows you to pick 15 different Hero Augments


Riot Games’ TFT set 8: Monsters Attack! autobattler has added a new feature to the famous Augment with its Hero Augment. And now, a major change coming in the game’s next patch has re-emphasized that fact.

Hero Augments have been a source of frustration for players in Set Eight of TFT. Despite the fact that every unit in the game has two Hero Augments—a “carry” and a “support” version—players frequently feel compelled to invest in a specific unit or keep it on their board when they don’t want to or can’t tell how much they’d lose by removing it from their team comp.

TFT Patch 13.3: Biggest Augment change that allows you to pick 15 different Hero Augments 1
Image via Riot Games

New Hero Augments change in TFT patch 13.3

There isn’t much flexibility with only one reroll for the whole game to distribute amongst all three augments. However, a change coming to the game in the upcoming patch should remove a lot of the uncertainty around Hero Augments.

Recently, game designer Stephen “Mortdog” Mortimer said on Twitter that the 4 additional rerolls are just for Hero Augments—meaning that players can utilize all four without worry of affecting the amount of rerolls they’d have for normal augments.

Image via Riot Games

Mort also highlighted that, despite the reroll adjustments, other features of the system will stay unchanged. Hero Augments on stage 2-1 will remain completely random, but those on stages 3-2 and 4-2 will be suited to what you have gathered up to that point.

The community has expressed its dissatisfaction with the system’s intrinsic restriction of flexibility, claiming that it was far more harmful. Hero Augments aren’t going away anytime soon, but being able to view up to 15 of them with low risk will be a welcome change in the upcoming TFT patch.

Image via Riot Games

TFT Patch 13.3 will hit the live servers on February 8.