TFT Players believed this is making Set 9: Runeterra Reforged boring

With the release of TFT Set 9, there are many new things to master, but devoted players have noticed one recurrent motif for great compositions.

They not only require particular 4-cost units all the time, but practically everyone in the lobby battles for them, and whoever gets them wins.

A recent TFT Reddit post discussed this, as well as why practically every effective composition hinges on rolling a 4-cost unit as early as possible to attain that top four finish. If you are unable to obtain the unit you want, as the original posting stated, “enjoy 6th-8th place.”

Players believed the impact of 4-cost units is making TFT Set 9 boring

When it comes to some of the strongest TFT comps as of now, their carry units are almost entirely four-costs.

Kai’Sa is available to both Challenger and Void, Azir is available to both Strategist and Shurima, Lux is available to both Sorcerer and Demacia, and Zeri is available for Gunner, along with Aphelios for Deadeye (not entirely as Akshan can also be the carry).

Images via Riot Games

Those units in particular have gained popularity, not only because they are extremely powerful, but also because they are critical to winning the game.

Fans are annoyed by the 4-cost factor since they know how the game will end based on their luck (or Augments). Some of the Reddit comments mention additional choices, such as Noxus, which concentrates on three-cost Darius. The main disadvantage is that Darius’ pool is perhaps more competitive because all players may roll into him sooner in the game.

Image via Riot Games

Many players were upset that an issue from the previous set had simply become worse in Set 9. Some said that the 4-cost meta had already happened in the last set, while others believed that at least in the last set, players could play the game with 1 or 2 cost carries.

Image via Riot Games

Knowing that this is a problem, players are hopeful that Riot Games and their TFT balancing team can fix it so that it is more pleasant.