TFT Set 8.5 Glitched Out: New Champions, Traits, Removed Units, and more

Thanks to the city of Glitching Out in Set 8.5, which includes four new characteristics and 14 champions, time portals and pandemonium are upending Teamfight Tactics

A new vertical Set 8.5 feature and a sizable number of three- and four-cost champions are included in the TFT Mid-Set release.  The second part of TFT Monsters Attack!, Set 8.5 Glitched Out!, features units and traits from different realms. Set 8.5 replaces 15 Set Eight champions and two traits with a total of 14 new champions and four new traits for combatants to try out.

Here’s everything you need to know about TFT set 8.5 Glitched Out!

Removed units, traits

Image via Riot Games

Recon, Arsenal (unique to Aphelios) and Civilian are the three TFT Set Eight traits that will be eliminated through the Set 8.5 Mid-Set update. Civilian and Recon both had an effect on Monsters Attack! but as secondary traits rather than vertical ones:

Additionally, for the Mid-set update, a total of 15 units are saying farewell:

New traits

Image via Riot Games

Four new traits are included in set 8.5 Glitched Out, one of which is exclusive to five-cost champions. The other two are strong on their own, while the other is a vertical trait:

New units

Image via Riot Games

There are 14 new TFT Set 8.5 champions, and each of them is linked to two Hero Augments:

On March 8, all TFT Set 8.5 champions and traits will be accessible for testing on PBE servers. On March 22, Patch 13.6 is expected to release, bringing Glitched Out! to the game.