The Champions own useless passives in late game or equipped full of items:


Referring to Fiddlestick, people would instantly imagine of a super wacky 

figurehead that few people are interested in in the game. The Scarecrow can be used as a jungler or a support which provide lots of CC and deal massive damage with his ultimate Crowstorm. But the development did not favor this stepchild, as Riot only gave a little movement speed for 1.5 seconds to the passive.


This passive not only make Draven the rich kid early, but also help him complete as fast as he can his factional equipment before 25 minutes, to throw the “non-slip-hit” axe when all is running and organize his show again.

But after having 6 equipment and taking some of Elixir , this passive would not immediately take any advantages for the Executioner if the match was prolonged longer than expected.  The length of the match is a big disadvantage when letting full-items Draven solo with the other marksman who could gain damage or attack speed by passive.

So if you play Draven; snowball, suppress the opponents thoroughly and get a victory very soon if you do not want to pity your opponent at the later stage of the game.

Twisted Fate

Being in the similar situation with Draven, the passive that receiving anywhere between 1-6 gold when last hitting from TF is also a “passive” passive of this Card Master at the end of the battle. Load Dice was designed greatly based on Twisted Fate’s biography as an infamous cardsharp but we all have to admit that it reduces the power of the  combat phase.

Maybe Twisted Fate will be the top one to rise early in the game with the amount of money being constantly added, but sometimes this cardinal guy will be quite weak if he has to solo 1v1.  However, his “seemingly zero” passive also helped him to complete the equipments much earlier than his opponents in the games.

And after all, TF is a champion who does not rely on his passive to deal damage but often uses the money gained from his farm and smash the opponent.  Without the extra amount of money from the beginning, Twisted Fate will certainly not be able to promote the strength in the game in the best way.


If Draven or Twisted Fate have nothing but a lot of money, then Zilean’s teammates have nothing but a lot of experience.  This Time Guardian is one of those who has huge amount of experience and can share with his teammates by the Time in a Bottle.

One more time, this is one of super helpful passive at the beginning  when it is possible to get level 6 before the opponents and win the lane.  But it became useless when it came to late. You will not need someone who can buff your experience when you realized yourself are level 18 right?

However, the loss of an passive when he is late does not make Zilean difficult because he has never directly gained experience from his passive.  He is true that a lofty elder of League of Legends is not he.


This would be very ineffective in the late game, when damage in combat will be more necessary for a mage like Heimerdinger.  Besides, with the land buffs inherited by the wind dragon, any champion can move much quickly in combat.

If possible, Riot should design in the way that increases the numbers of armor and blood for cannon turrets, or allows Heimerdinger to place his simulated emplacements on broken piers as Azir.  With this new powers, surely our Yordle scientist will be stronger and appear like a scientist who can create more things in the game.


WuKong or Monkey King is one of the most disputed Champ in League of Legends, having the highest ban/pick rate “from the bottom” and just a bit more than Skarner. Wukong’s ability set is still very scary in the hands of skilled players, with the high proportion to shock dame uncomfortably. Furthermore, this is one of the most popular assassins with his famous image of the Monkey King.

However, the current Wukong gradually loses his position, as the meta favors early game fights, causing his poor jungle clearing problem.  Not only that, the times of nerf coming from Riot made the King once gradually sink into oblivion. And now, almost no one looks at or admires this champion in the ranking matches, although the ultimate has many effects.

Speaking of Wukong’s passive, this is one of the best passive abilities for him in the early game. 4/6/8 extra armor with the number of allies or enemy champions, giving him a respectable resistance for early game fights.  However, this extremely “modest” toughness did not help a killer general like Wu Kong compared to other assassins at the end of the match.

The 8 armor in the later stages of the game is not very meaningful with the increasing amount of equipment of the marksman and Wukong is an assassin that does not need too much armor.  With new changes tested on the PBE server, with a virtual armor after stealth escape. Wukong’s passive will no longer be underestimated as it is now. Especially in sensitive moments like the end of the game.