League of Legends: Find out The Most Popular Champion in Pro Leagues Worldwide

Because of the differences in playstyle and style, different regions have different popular champions.

If you are still wondering, which champion should you choose to climb rank easier in the current meta patch 10.16, you can refer to the most popular champions in Pro Leagues Worldwide where there are diverse champions in different positions.

The following is a list of the most popular champions in the 2020 summer season of the Pro Leagues Worldwide:

The Most Popular Champion in Pro Leagues Worldwide:


Thresh has a 94% chance of appearing in the bans stage, including 18 picks and 43 bans.

In Europe, the most common champion is not a champion with huge damage, nor a champion with a strong “tank” ability but a fairly old supporter in LOL.

In this LEC, Thresh’s most common build is AD ‘s support items such as Mikael’s Crucible and Locket of Iron Solari, second is combat item with Shurelya Reverie and Gargoyle Stoneplate.

In addition, Thresh is also a champion that creates “5 vs 5 LCK” fights – fights that last for a long time and very chaotic but no one is defeated, all thanks to Thresh’s Dark Passage.

LCS – Aphelios

“A 200-year-old broken champion” Aphelios has an 89% chance of appearing in the LCS, including 35 picks and 24 bans.

In North America, an AD like Aphelios become the focus of the ban because he is the most “broken” in the AD position. In addition, teams in this area often play around AD like TSM Doublelift, EG Bang, C9 Zven, FLY WildTurtle, … so it is not too much surprise to see everyone fighting to pick a strong AD like Aphelios.

LCK – Karma

South Korea’s hottest champion is Karma with a 97% chance of appearing in the bans stage, including 35 picks and 92 bans.

In the LCK, Karma is a champion that can “cram” into a variety of positions from top, mid to support. That makes her a versatile option for teams to cause surprise at the bans stage. Moreover, Karma is also a very strong choice to help team’s AD or MID to freely releasing damage in combat, helping champions like Azir, Ezreal, Aphelios, … which were  dangerous.now even more dangerous.

As for the playstyle, Karma in the LCK has 3 play styles that are all about supporting , depend on teammates’s requirement. The first is the pure support playstyle- buy any support items regardless of the position, the basic items when playing support will be Athene Unholy Grail, Shurelya Reverie, Redemption, Ardent Censer. Next is tanker and healer playstyle,equip items like Iceborn Gautlet,Athene Unholy Grail and buy support items in late game. Finally is AP and Support playstyle, basic items will be Luden’s Echo,Rabadon’s Deathcap or Morellonomicon,finally will buy Athene Unholy Grail and Ardent Censer.

LPL – Aphelios

Aphelios has a 96% chance of appearing in the bans stage, including 144 picks and 102 bans.

As for the reason, it is still the same as the LCS area, because this is a too OP champion in the game so it is fiercely picked. Not only that, LPL is also a famous area for “raising AD” playstyle ,in late game, AD become too strong is not something very strange.

VCS – Syndra

At VCS, Syndra is the most popular champion with 91% appearing in the bans stage, including 14 picks and 61 bans.

The reason is Syndra is too … annoyed in the mid lane. When moving, Syndra is very difficult to be controlled by the enemy, pushing the lane well, she also has ability to create a huge angle of stun. After equipping Hextech GPL-800, the ability to earn kill scores is  increased even more with a aoe slow + stun combo. In the late game, Syndra is also a mage with great damage, good ability to cover  combat angle, whether playing in the attack styles or playing around the AD is also very strong.