The Most Successful VGUs: Volibear and Fiddlesticks

Volibear and Fiddlesticks are totally resurrected in League of Legends after received their fully VGUs from ability kits to appearance.

The word “Obsolete” might be the best adjective to describe Volibear and Fiddlesticks before they received their own VGUs updates. While the old Fiddlesticks was nearly forgotten by players, Volibear did have some period when he was useful as a Support role. However, with plain playstyles, they created neither exciting nor rewarding feelings. Due to these reasons, they seriously needed a rework.

Riot didn’t let players down. Fiddlesticks and Volibear became undeniably successful after getting a rework. Riot themselves hasn’t even thought their pick-rate would increase that high after they were newly remade. Fiddlesticks became a viable choice in the Jungle/Bot lane while Volibear had some great times dominating Top/Jungle and he was always seen in almost every competitive scene.

Spideraxe – game designer, Surrender@20 mod, and also from League wiki shared his thoughts: “The VGUs this year were quite successful, Fiddlesticks went from an unpopular champ to an average champ and Volibear went from niche to popular. This is quite good since Riot suspected they’d have niche thematics.”

To be fair, Riot was right when they suspected that they would not receive that much love from the community. Fiddlesticks and Volibear all had pretty old lore in League. While Fiddlesticks was a scary ancient devil, Volibear was a god that had almost vanished in Freljord.

In the case of Fiddlesticks, he doesn’t rely too heavily on his Ultimate makes him easier to maneuver in the Jungle. He can deal tons of damage, have great crowd-control abilities, and his old characteristic still remains – where you choose to hide and use your Ultimate can completely turn the tide of a match.

Talking about Volibear, he really becomes a real god – powerful and fearsome. His new E – Skysplitter and R – Stormbringer, allows Volibear to initiate into combat actively. Volibear became the top 3 picks in Worlds 2020 had proven the success of this VGU.

In conclusion, this year VGUs are definitely received great reactions from the whole community. This make every upcoming VGU project that was announced by Riot became really tempting. We will witness what kind of fresh air Riot can bring to our beloved Dr. Mundo.