League of Legends : The next champion is Sett – will be a Juggernaught ?

According to Riot’s Champion Roadmap last month, the 149th champion of League of Legends will be a Fighter.

Last month, in the Champion Roadmap on the League of Legends homepage, the game development team shared about the champion that will be remade as well as launched in late 2019, early 2020. In When Senna, Aphelios have been confirmed, Fiddlestick and Volibear will be remade, there will still be one more champion yet to be revealed.

According to the article, this will be a champion living underground in the kingdom of Ionia, and predicted to be a champion that is easier to understand and play much easier than Aphelios. The new champion will thrive in the center of a brawl, laughing as they take hit after hit then furiously punching back, releasing all that stored aggression on their enemies’ faces. …

On the PBE on November 28, the first leaks of this champion appeared. A card with the back had the head of a yellow beast, its mouth shut with a red silk, with the message: “Gained by impressing Sett. Openable on January 14th, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. PT”. Thus, most likely the name of the new champion will be Sett . And with the image of his birthplace looking like a fiery bull arena, he might be in the form of a bull, or a bull driver. This will be the first new champion of 2020, and perhaps he was also launched in the Riot roadmap “proving” the top of the new season is not useless.

The most updated information about this champion will always be updated by NOTAGAMER.NET