The next film project from Riot is coming out?

The next project of Riot Games is apparently a new universe of superheroes including LoL champions.

In late 2021, Riot brought their masterpiece “Arcane” to all LoL fans around the world and received numerous compliments. It actually created a phenomenon on social media and forums. Not only did this film attract LoL fans, but it was also beloved by casual audiences. Additionally, Arcane was also highly rated by a lot of experts and broke several records on Netflix.

Thanks to this great success, Riot Games decided to march forward by announcing the next part of Arcane, with its background is still the war between Zaun and Piltover. They simultaneously said that this next part would go live in 2022 or 2023. This has cheered up all the fans of this film worldwide as LoL has always been well-known for its large number of characters and exciting plot.

Recently, the LoL community has been once again surprised by the film producers of Riot Games. Particularly, Mr. Seung Eun Kim – Executive Producer and Animation Director, one of the contributors to the great success of Arcane, posted an image that looked like a poster on his private Twitter. It included a lot of LoL champions coming from different regions of Runeterra, such as Darius (Noxus), Yasuo (Ionia), Miss Fortune (Bilgewater), Ekko (Zaun), etc. Besides, the style of designing this image reminded us of posters of Marvel or DC.

If this hypothesis becomes realistic, with this arrangement of characters, this will be a project of superheroes film from Riot Games. Obviously, there was no declaration from the producers of Arcane after posting this image. As a result, the community definitely has a license to expect to another masterpiece taking after Arcane.