This Worlds 2024 hidden reference from the Anthem video will blow your mind

Epic reference from Worlds 2024 that blows your mind!

The League of Legends World Championship anthem, Heavy is the Crown, features an epic, fully animated battle showcasing League champions in all their glory.

However, what has truly captivated fans is the subtle, hidden detail in the video – the phrase “bot gap” cleverly embedded within Zeri’s lightning animation. This Easter egg has taken viewers by surprise, as many didn’t expect to find such a niche reference concealed within the video.

Since its release, the Worlds 2024 anthem video has quickly gained popularity on YouTube, becoming one of the platform’s most trending videos. With millions of fans watching, it didn’t take long for some eagle-eyed viewers to catch the “bot gap” phrase hidden in Zeri’s lightning effect.

The discovery has blown fans away, with many praising the video’s art style and intricate details, which resemble the acclaimed animation style of Arcane.

“bot gap”

Initially, some viewers thought the “bot gap” text was simply a fun visual edit or fan theory. However, after closely examining the scene, it became clear that the message is indeed part of the official animation. Many fans paused and unpaused the video during Zeri’s lightning scene until the words became visible, proving that this hidden gem was not a hoax.

The term “bot gap” is familiar to many in the League of Legends community, commonly used to describe a significant performance difference between the two bot lanes in a match.

But the reason it was included in the anthem video is tied to an iconic moment from the 2022 World Championship Play-Ins. During a match, Brance, who was then the ADC for LOUD, eliminated Fnatic’s support, Hylissang.

In a memorable post-play moment, Brance flexed his bicep, revealing the phrase “bot gap” written on it. This became a legendary moment in League esports history, and its inclusion in the Worlds 2024 anthem video is a clever nod to that event.

Image via Riot Games

The fact that Riot Games included this reference in the Heavy is the Crown video shows the immense attention to detail that goes into these productions. It also serves as a reminder of how League of Legends integrates both its game lore and community moments into official content.