Three details you have missed about Ezreal

Among the stunning photographs of the Legend of Runeterra, we discovered an interesting fact about Ezreal and the conspiracy theories that revolved around it.

1. Lux comics appear on Ezreal’s desk

SIXMOREVODK, a place where artists have drawn beautiful background images for the upcoming League of Legends card game of Riot Games, Legend of Runeterra. However, being beautiful is not enough, if you pay attention to the composition of the image in more detail, you will discover a lot of interesting things. In this post, I will talk about Ezreal, the rumoured and questionable character about the non-upright relationship with Taric.

Pay attention to the table on the right-hand corner where the cup is piling on a stack of books. Do you realize what that is? It was a collection of comics about the Lady of Luminosity of the mighty Demacia empire – Luxana Crownguard. So why did that collection of stories appear right on Ezreal’s desk ?? Everyone guess.

2. Ezreal secretly love to remember Lux?

This old but still special assumption has always existed in the League of Legends gamers community for so long. Is it not just Garen x Katarina, Riot Games also wants to boost this boat through the Legend of Runeterra?

This is not the first time Lux and Ezreal appear together but in the League of Legends they have had many coincidences, such as the launch of the Pajamas Guard skin or the Battle Academy skin

3. Ezreal wants to be like Lux?

One beautiful day, Ezreal suddenly felt “It’s really cool to be a girl.” And he chose Lux as his ideal role model. This could explain the reason why in his room there was Zhonya hourglass, which is indispensable for the Lady of Luminosity. He might even have intentionally dyed his hair blonde to look like Lux. In the end, he bought the comics about Lux to understand more about her personality after all the efforts to talk and was ignored by Lux.

Thanks to the interactions of these two champions in League of Legends and Legend of Runeterra, we will be able to verify this.

In your opinion, are there any more conspiracy theories around this suspicious?