Revealing the time to play Wild Rift and More information

All you need to know about the gameplay of Riot Games latest MOBA game…time to play Wild Rift and More information

Revealing the time to play Wild Rift and More information

As we informed our readers, Riot Games introduced more detailed gameplay of League of Legends: Wild Rift and changes to the mobile / console changes last night (May 29).

About Champions

David “Papa Smoothie” Xu, Product Manager of League of Legends: Wild Rift, introduced all 36 champions who are ready to let players experience addiction in the alpha test next weekend.

“We want to keep the feeling of playing the champions like the original that you are so familiar with in League of Legends. And we just made the necessary changes, for example, to accommodate faster gameplay, a slightly smaller map to accommodate the control system, ”said Papa Smoothie.

time to play Wild Rift

36 champions appeared in the limited test version including Ahri, Master Yi, Lux, Annie, Garen, Fiora, Vi, Blitzcrank, Camille, Jhin, Ezreal, Janna, Soraka, Nami, Nasus, Braum, Miss Fortune, Graves, Jinx, Alistar, Olaf, Gragas, Jax, Malphite, Shyvana, Aurelion Sol, Orianna, Fizz, Ashe, Tryndamere, Twisted Fate, Vayne, Xin Zhao, Zed, Yasuo and Ziggs.

“This squad is just the starting point, and many more champions will be available in the future,” said the developer.

Papa Smoothie also emphasizes on a few champions, describing how they moved from the original PC to League of Legends: Wild Rift.

For example, Nasus is described as a “final boss” with “infinite power boosting” every time he accumulated points.

Many IOS users and Android will not be able to participate in the Wild Rift test

Or when Shyvana defeats a Dragon, she will gain more power when she turns Dragon. For example, when destroying Fire Dragon, Shyvana will increase true damage to enemies with E effect.

time to play Wild Rift

Or with Miss Fortune, (Q) will turn into a navigational skill to fit the control system and help players “have more opportunities to show more in the match” – Papa Smoothie explained.

“We are keeping the game experience very similar to the PC version with a few changes making the game more compatible with the new platform. We think it would be great if you could pick your favourite champions in Tactics and immediately show your superhuman skills, ”concluded Papa Smoothie.

About Gameplay

time to play Wild Rift

“A match in Wild Rift will still have all the stages like in League of Legends, but it will only last for about 15-20 minutes” – Jonathan Chao, Team Leader of League of Legends Wild Rift said.

About limited test time

In line with the announcement in the middle of the month, Riot will launch an alpha test version in the Philippines (June 6 – June 27) and Brazil (June 5 – June 26).

time to play Wild Rift

Only a small group of players were invited to experience in this round, giving priority to those who have pre-registered on the Google Play Store from the Livestream to celebrate the 10th birthday of LoL last year. Therefore, the first test game will only apply to mobile devices running the Android operating system.

Minimum configuration:


time to play Wild Rift

CPU: 8-core, 1.5 GHz or higher, 64-bit processor

RAM: 3GB or more

Resolution: 1280 x 720 or higher

Riot said that the configuration will be lowered in the official version of the game – with iOS from iPhone 6 and above.

“We are committed to making the game accessible to as many devices as possible without compromising Wild Rift’s core gameplay and will be more active as we approach launch time” – excerpts of frequently asked questions on the homepage.

time to play Wild Rift

The reason was given by Riot when giving Brazilian and Filipino players to play League of Legends: The earliest Speed ​​War because they are so familiar with the developer’s games. From there, Riot will receive feedback and data from many different groups of players.