To Lose Cs or to Help Your Jungler in Solo Lane

Every player surely has to experience at least once where their Jungler keeps pinging their Red or Blue being stolen or to go steal their enemy team’s buff.

Note: This article is directed for the experienced Jungler who knows ahead of their actions and miscellaneous.

As a Top or Mid Laner, what would you do when your Jungler pinging for help at the early game?

Would you rather head to the jungle to help to steal the enemy’s buff and may have a chance for a First Blood that worth 400g or staying in your lane so your opponent won’t get ahead of you?

2 vs 1, Benefits are always yours

The fact that you head into the enemy team’s jungle and help to ruin his lane will cause the enemy to not be able to handle, flash or in the worst case, he will give you the First Blood and his buffs.

Not only so, but your Jungler will also be grateful for your follow-up moves, they will repay you in different ways that will be beneficial fo you.

Once the enemy Jungler has lost his early benefits and has to run back to his jungle, this will turn him into a passive state. They would likely run behind in cs, experience, and items.

Therefore, the enemy team Jungler would be less harmful to your team.

Do not over-emphasize the first minion wave

The fact that you stayed in your lane instead of helping your Jungler is because you are afraid to lose your experience and gold. Running into the jungle would give your opponent to reach level 6 first and has more advantage.

However, killing an enemy is also give you a decent experience, golds, and buffs from them. Therefore, you could use his buff to abuse your opponent.

But what if the enemy Jungler escaped successfully and you got nothing from roaming?

At the very least, you saved your Jungler’s life and they will be able to catch up on the game. They might also come to your lane more often for a gank or more to put the pressure on your opponent.

Jungler is the Core of the game

If you don’t give a damn about your Jungler’s death, but only care about you getting fed; then not so long after, the enemy team will be able to get most to all of the elemental dragons, rift herald, and countless ganks around the map that your allies would be helpless.

Remember, every single movement from you can help your Jungler have a better spot at the early game. They will be the one who can sustain the morale of the team.

Therefore, Help your Jungler when possible, and they will bring you and the team to victory.

Would you willing to help your Jungler?

What if you are the Jungler yourself? What do you think about your teammates helping you in the Jungle?