Top 10 kinds of players people love to play with (P.2)

6. Initiator

Have you ever been in a situation when your team has a huge difference in gold compared to the opponents, even in the aspects such as kills, CS scores, but the opponents still eliminate every towers in your base? Probably yes, and the answer to this irrationality sometimes is that your team splits too much because there is no one in your team that is capable of initiating a team-fight.


It seems like something everyone can do but to become a good initiator, but in fact it is more difficult than what we think. A good initiator is usually a top-laner because the top-laners usually start a team fight with their thick health bar or with the Crowd Control skills to attract the enemies, open a wide way for their allies to head straight to the enemies’ carries. After that, they will have to keep helping their team or run away before the health bar drops to 0.

A seemingly simple job like this requires a lot of practice and skill to be able to complete. If you can finish this dangerous work, you can bring about victory even your team is a far behind the enemies’ team during the laning phase.

7. “Madlife” player

Despite having been around for a long time around 2013, champions with hooking abilities like Thresh, Blitzcrank or Nautilus have always been the most popular picks for anyone from any ranks. Blitzcrank is still the most favorite support champion in Gold division or below, Thresh is reliable too if you have reached Diamond.

The hooker.

Because of the great love from the players for these champions, “good-hooking” supporters receive a lot of admiration from friends and teammates. You might be a Blitzcrank with a bad KDA, but as long as you quickly pull the ADCs with difficult angles, you are not much different from a star in the LCK, like Madlife – The god of hooking.

Sometimes the one trick Thresh, or Blitzcrank are awarded with the title “hook master” and always get dozens of honors after the game even they are just the supporters.

8. Enchanters

Besides Thresh or Blitzcrank, the enchanter-type supporter is also popular with gamers, especially with the ADCs who go the same lane with them. These players have the always want to do everything for their ADCs so that the ADCs are able to deal damage as much as possible with their “buffing” abilities.


The most popular enchanters are Janna, Lulu, Soraka or even Morgana with the ability to buff or healing which will make the enemy unable to touch lower the ADC’s health bar.

By being cared by these reliable supporters, the ADCs always like playing with buffing support other than playing with guardian or harassers because you can never miss a “buffing” ability which will be much better for themselves.

9. Cooperator

With a famous game that attracts millions of players like League of Legends, there will be many different components put together in a game. Although most of them don’t always like each other, there are a handful of gamers who understand their teammates. These players often have the common characteristics of having very good skill and know how to start or join a wombo combo with you and your teammates.

They can also be a couple of friends that you understand so well that by looking at their movements, you can understand that they want to fight or back off. Because of similarity and comprehension, the current players often join with another person to increase the chances of winning the match.

10. Nymph

The last type of gamers that everyone is willing to sacrifice for are the female gamers who are extremely beautiful and cute with a sweet voice. This is not an uncommon case but it rarely happens in a harsh esports environment which is full of men like League of Legends.

If you don’t know who this is, you are probably new to this game.

These players have a thing in common which is they are often play as supporters with the powerful beauty and voice. If they speak, the whole team might fall in love. Not only that, when a female gamer appears, they will surely get focused which results in the remaining 4 people will try to protect her even if they have to sacrifice.

Although the skill of the majority of female gamers are at an average level, never look down on them! They might look pretty and gentle but if you meet them in the game, they could surprise you with their skill of female gamers.