TOP 12 strongest squad of 12 regions in LoL

Since ancient times, when parallel universes still exist, the gaps from nowhere lead the monsters from outer space to invade human settlements, when the malice and ambition make the tribes slash. Killing each other to fantasize about ruling a realm, Runeterra has always been a place full of smoke and death.

TOP 12 strongest squad

Although there was once a Bandle of laughter and joy, there was an Ionian full of solemn and pensive, there was a lively and crowded Piltover or a mighty and majestic Demacia, but when the black Evening from Noxus, Zaun and the dark creatures from the Void come back, here are only days of struggle to survive.

The Summoner’s Rift arena opens to gather champions ready to sacrifice to protect the homeland, the people, and it is also here filled with the killing intent of the watchers of killing, war is the only reason for life…When the war broke out, it was time for all the top players to come out.

Have you ever thought that if the real war on Runeterra was made into a film, which champions would represent homeland?


Champions: Corki, Lulu, Rumble, Teemo, Tristana, Veigar.

TOP 12 strongest squad

With a flamethrower dealing large area damage, Rumble quickly cleared the Jung to speed up SP allies in the roadside positions.

Teemo will be the champion who always appears suddenly to rescue the remaining members with blind skills and mushrooms with the power of an atomic bomb. Want to “kill” Corki’s teammates? Just cross the fire carpet. Or become a fragrant barbecue block, or fortunate enough to escape, will it escape Tristana? Oh don’t forget Lulu, she won’t let anyone touch her partner even a hair!


Champions: Fizz, Gangplank, Graves, Illaoi, Miss Fortune, Nautilus, Tahm Kench, Twisted Fate.

TOP 12 strongest squad

It is difficult to choose a suitable team because the Champions in Bilgewater themselves are very strong. Graves does a good job of gathering damage, but his ganking ability is not very good, not to mention that sometimes the conflict with Twisted Fate, so the appearance of Gankplank will be a pretty good choice to SP to let them unleash their skills.

Just combine the Ultimate from Gangplank and Miss Fortune. And don’t dream of touching Miss Fortune, Tahm Kench swallows it now. Although the Bilgewater team were all unjustly met, it seems they are very strong!


TOP 12 strongest squad

Champions: Sylas, Garen, Sona, Lux, Jarvan IV, Lucian, Morgana, Kayle, Fiora, Poppy, Quinn, Shyvana, Vayne, Xin Zhao, Galio.

As a result, Demacia has a lot of Champions so their squad is also easy to balance and quite strong. They have the ability to harass in the early game. With the courage of Jarvan, Galio could fulfil his role and Lucian could simply stand there and shoot. Along with the new remake, Kayle will be an extremely annoying opponent. What a pressure formation on the opponent.


Champions: Ashe, Lissandra, Sejuani, Gnar, Gragas,  Tryndamere, Braum, Nunu & Willump, Olaf, Anivia, Trundle, Udyr, Volibear, Ornn.

TOP 12 strongest squad


TOP 12 strongest squad

Champions: Kayn, Rakan, Xayah, Ahri, Akali, Irelia, Jhin, Yasuo, Karma, Ivern, Kennen, Lee Sin, Master Yi, Shen, Syndra, Varus, Zed, Wukong.

Ionia’s squad is pretty scary. They are still very strong Champions early in the match, especially with the presence of Lee Sin. Although blind in both eyes, but do not attempt to escape the standard kick-off Lee Sin. As for the Rakan Xayah couple, it’s hard to beat. Akali (hmm, I don’t know)


TOP 12 strongest squad

Champions: Leona, Diana, Soraka, Pantheon, Zoe, Aurelion Sol, Taric.

It’s hard to pick a team for Targon because the number of standard Champions is few and no ADC. Pantheon Jung is a bit outdated, but it’s better than Zoe AD.

It will be hard matches for Leona when she while trying to cover the remaining teammates. Perhaps Pantheon will be very sorry to see that his beloved person is taking so much effort.


Champions: Cassiopeia, Darius, Draven, Katarina, Kled, Leblanc, Riven, Sion, Swain, Talon, Vladimir.

Noxus has strong Champions and the best SP. Although Sion’s skill set for SP is not very good, in team fights, he will be extremely helpful. Riven has always been a strong Champions in any role, so the lanes will be quite assured when not afraid of being crushed.


Champions: Camille, Caitlyn, Ezreal, Jayce, Orianna, Vi, Heimerdinger.

The Piltover lineup is extremely good at popping with Ezreal and Jayce. The first thing to do is to create an advantage for Jayce to be able to farm and push.

In addition, Vi needs to camp for mid when she reaches level 6 because when combined with Orianna’s ultimate, no enemy will be able to escape. Unfortunately, Camille will not be very helpful in the early game, so the bottom lane will be a bit pressure before being rescued.

Shadow Isles

TOP 12 strongest squad

Champions: Hecarim, Karthus, Thresh, Kalista, Mordekaiser, Yorick, Maokai, Elise.

Karthus is currently a little disgraced in the race to win the hot pick for Mid, but when placed in this team, it is quite good for the god of death. Yorick will SP pretty much in pushing the road. Kalista and Thresh will carry. Elise is not very strong at the end.


Champions:  Amumu, Azir, Nasus, Rammus, Renekton, Rengar, Sivir, Skarner, Taliyah, Xerath.

TOP 12 strongest squad

Skarner will not be of much help before reaching level 6, and the duo Sivir, Xerath with poor manoeuvrability will be very vulnerable to ganking. However, with Taliyah’s excellent mobility, they will not be “bullied” for too long.

Revealing Volibear rework skillset

At the same time, with the power, Renekton will soon “kill” anyone who stands in his way and creates the combat phase for teammates to show off.


Champions: Cho’Gath, Kassadin, Kha’Zix, Kai’Sa, Kog’Maw, Malzahar, Rek’Sai, Vel’Koz.

The Void team is probably the strongest late game team when it comes to owning both Kai’Sa and Kassadin.

However, with the position of Jung of Rek’Sai, in the early stages, they will have to mobilize on their own but have not expected anything. With a Cho’Gath and Kassadin lacking manoeuvrability before level 6, it will be very difficult for Rek’Sai to successfully gank. The bot lane is left, so it is more appropriate to worry about the enemy.


Champions: Jinx, Ekko, Twitch, Blitzcrank, Dr. Mundo, Janna, Singed, Urgot, Viktor, Warwick, Zac, Ziggs.

Zaun has a pretty strong lineup, but it depends on how they stay in the lane. Janna and Victor were not very strong in the early and late game, and Zac, too, was weak before he was level 6.

If confronted with a person going Jung, this squad will soon collapse.

However, if you understand each other and combine well, the two couples Urgot – Zac and Viktor – Jinx will be very strong in team fights. It is a bit hard for Janna to protect Viktor and Jinx.

The above are suggestions for the strongest squads of each region. And you, have you found your favourite team yet?

In your opinion, which team is the strongest among the above 12 teams? Leave your comments below.