Top 3 fascinating reworks in League of Legends

In ten years of existence and development, since the first 17 champions were created in the game, Riot Games has brought the League of Legends in total 147 champions. Each of the champion has its own visual design as well as a unique skill set which satisfy the players with new experiences that always keep them interested to the game. Apart from the appearances of new champions, Riot Games also focuses on reworking the skill sets or the graphics of the old champions so that they can become more balanced to the game or just simply look more appealing than the previous version of themselves. Now, with the help of various articles on the Reddit community about voting for the best reworked champions. Let’s me guide you to the list of the best champion rework projects.

3. Gangplank

Taken the third place on this list is no one else except the greatest pirate captain of Bilgewater Bay – Gangplank, The Saltwater Scourge. He is one of the earliest champions that were created in League of Legends and has a major impact to the storyline of Bilgewater Bay as he is the most notorious pirate in the region. However, back in the day, Gangplank had always been considered as a weak gladiator with boring gameplay that we could hardly find him interesting nor potential. Therefore, the reworking project of this champion is significant to the “Bilgewater Burning Tides” events that was going to occur at that time.

Old Gangplank.

Appearance: On 27 Sep. 2015, Riot announced that they will remove Gangplank from the game to synchronize the game with the storyline where he was killed by Miss Fortune. Besides that, they also showed an early image of the new Gangplank rework as a hint. The announcement was unexpected and it created a lot of arguments in the League of Legends community at that time. However, shortly after the execution of Gangplank, he was brought back to life with a whole new appearance full of dust and hatred along with a mechanical arm as a result of Miss Fortune’s attack. The image which was previously published at the same time of the removal of this champion became a skin of Gangplank, known as “Captain Gangplank”.

Skill set: Next, we’re going to the new gameplay mechanism of Gangplank. The whole skill set seemed to be changed, except for his Remove Scurvy (W). Gangplank has now been capable of dealing AoE (Area of Effect) damage with Powder Keg (E). Thanks to this ability, the pushing speed becomes extremely efficient which makes this piratea fast pusher as well as a strong laner.

After the rework, Gangplank still lacks of players due to a high-skilled skill set that requires very precise calculation, especially Powder Keg (E). Nevertheless, if you master this champion, you will become a top lane monster in the middle and late game.

“Captain Gangplank” skin.

2. Warwick

The next position on this list is the Warwick – The Uncaged Wrath Of Zaun. This is also one of the first 17 champions of League of Legends and was completely reworked in early 2017. From the beginning, he was a hot-picked jungler in the early seasons, but the outdated skill set of him make the champion itself less interesting as time passed by. Therefore, aa rework is extremely necessary to bring back the golden age of this notoriously scary wolf. Let’s take a look at the changes.

Old Warwick.

Appearance: We can clearly guess the visual change of his appearance when his plot has been completely changed. From a cursed scientist wearing pieces of Noxus armor, Warwick then became the result of Singed’s experiments. His body is now interlaced with ducts containing serum and he also has a large pump with serum inside on his back.

Skill set: From a champion with a skill set that can be said to be quite simple, Warwick now becomes extremely more complex that requires players to calculate carefully every time they jump to the enemy with Warwick. Changes in Jaws of the Beast (Q) makes him a true monster by giving more flexibility to catch the preys. In addition, changing the ultimate from a target selection ability to an orientation ability is also an important change that greatly affects the playstyle of this champion.

Although Warwick was still not a hot-picked champion after the rework, this was still an impressive rework of Riot Games.

Warwick after the rework.


Finally, the top 1 position belongs to Sion, still one of the first 17 champions of League of Legends, also the first one to receive a comprehensive rework in his appearance and skills. Let’s see how difference he was in the beginning comparing to himself at the moment.

Old “Lumberjack Sion” skin.

Appearance: From a zombie-like champion that came out from Plant vs Zombie, Sion now becomes a scary giant warrior as if he just came out of hell, threatening all enemies with his bloody aura and deadly red eyes.

Skill set: The playstyle of this champion is clearly changed a lot and is extremely diverse due to this new skill set. As we can see, Sion has gained himself a whole new skill set with a unique ultimate which help him a lot in roaming to other lanes. In the past, Sion players often build AP items to take advantage of the explosion from his Soul Furnace (W) or they build AS items to take advantage of his healing from his old (R). With this rework, the champion’s core items are lethality items and AD/AP resisting items. Besides that, there are various playstyle for this champion, especially the weird feed-to-win playstyle thanks to great Passive of this champion.

The Sion rework project was really a great success of Riot by making this champion a completely new champion that revived his popularity in League of Legends. Therefore, it is no coincidence that he was voted for the most favorite rework projects by the Reddit community.

Reworked Sion.

That’s it for the top 3 favorite rework projects in League of Legends history. Some reworked champions like Irelia, Ryze, Galio are also remarkable. Akali and Aatrox seem to be the most OP reworked champions in my opinion. By the way, let’s see what Riot wants to show us in the upcoming reworks of Volibear and Fiddlesticks. Make sure that you follow Notagamer for breaking news and if you have any different opinion or suggestion, leave a comment below.
