Top 4 changes that LoL gamers expect will become a reality

1. Add special game modes – LoL gamers expect will become a reality

LoL gamers expect will become a reality – New game modes, especially an important part of League of Legends, help gamers have a completely different game experience than what we usually play. For Riot Games itself, modes such as Odyssey, Overcharge or Star Guardian are a way to advertise and increase revenue for skins.

However, 2019, Riot Games completely ignores this and focuses on developing the Teamfight Tactics. But other modes are also extremely important for League of Legends development, hopefully year, Riot Games will bring back extremely interesting modes or completely new modes for League of Legends. (LoL gamers expect will become a reality)

What makes a successful Featured Gameplay Mode?

LoL gamers expect will become a reality – “This is something we’re continuously defining for ourselves as Featured Gameplay Modes evolve. We want to learn from previous modes to help us make even cooler new things, but it’s not as simple as just which mode was played the most.

What does “the most” even mean? Is it the highest single spike of concurrent players? The game you played for the longest? Modes also need to be unique in some way and not just replace or overwrite themselves and other permanent modes. As we’ve mentioned before, we have a few design pillars that help guide the creation of each mode, but we’d like you to discover new or interesting ways to engage with your favourite champions in League of Legends. We undoubtedly also want you to have FUN! 😀

Then there are modes which produce amazingly cool stuff from you guys in the community that we can’t even measure with numbers. How do you measure fun? Or cool streams, videos, comics, fanart (the list goes on)? Sometimes it’s even nice for the mode to help you train in skills (team fights, skill shots) that are transferable over to SR, but should that be a core pillar? We’ve said before how we like that each Featured Gameplay Mode feels like a wild west of meta for their duration.

Anything goes initially and you guys theory craft cool ideas about the most OP comps and champions for each mode, and surprise us every time. There’s always a few sleeper champions that appear who we could NEVER forecast. So healthy champion pick diversity is also good, but is it something we should weigh the success of a mode on? These are all just some of the things we consider when both designing and then weighing an individual mode’s success.

2. No more game bugs

LoL gamers expect will become a reality – Perhaps this is a bit of an overkill because no matter how perfect the game is, it is impossible to avoid errors in the game. However, 2019, there were too many serious bugs, culminating in the Patch Update 9.14 also known by gamers worldwide as “League of Bugs”.

Up to now, League of Legends still has minor bugs related to the client or the game, what gamers most look forward is probably their game is peaceful and not attacked by bugs like last year.

3. Rework outdated champions

Here: Leak: Fiddlesticks and Volibear’s new skill set leaked outside

With the 10-year-old passing, there are champions who are becoming obsolete because of the ugly design and skill sets that are no longer interesting. Riot Games has plans to remake Fiddlesticks and Volibear, Wukong, but there are many other champions that need to be revamped such as Skarner, Rammus, Maokai. They all have some good skills but the rest are not and require Riot Games to edit.

4. Balance the game appropriately

This year, a meme similar to “Better nerf Irelia” was born and its center is none other than Akali. In many ways, Riot Games has greatly reduced the power of this assassin, especially the damage, but what they have never touched on is the maneuverability and the potential of Akali. So no matter how many nerfes this is, this is still a strong choice and of course after that Riot continues to reduce her strength.

Riot Games in the last few years have always created champions that are too omnipotent, or Runes that can push a champion’s power to excess.

Hopefully this year Riot Games will have more appropriate adjustments

More: Top 6 things you are different from professional gamers – League of Legends

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