Top 4 Junglers in patch 10.10: Graves is back!!!

After lots of ups and downs, Graves is back with an incredible power and becomes one of the most powerful junglers in patch 10.10.


If you have always been nuts with Karthus – a press-R-to-win champion, I have a bad news for you: Fiddlesticks is becoming a copy of Karthus. After being reworked, Fiddlesticks has become an OP jungler and all you need to do is just pressing R and using Zhonya to win the game.

Press R to win, players!!!

Fiddlesticks is only powerful when he has items and for sure, his R. Therefore, at the early game, you need to clear the farms and take the objects like Dragons or Rift Herald to earn as many golds as possible. Once you have everything you need, your Fiddlesticks will actually become an invincible monster

Runes for Fiddlesticks


There’s no doubt that Wukong has become an extremely powerful top laner since he was reworked. But bringing him into the jungle is also a good idea due to his passive and R. He can help his laners very well at level 6 with his R that can be used for 2 times.

Since he was reworked, he has become a tanky brawler and can easily open a combat with his R, so Death’s Dance and Black Cleaver are some nice choices for him to stay longer in combats

Runes for Wukong


Since “Enchanment: Cinderhulk” was reworked and buffed, tanky junglers have been back to the jungle, and one of them is Zac. With new Enchanment: Cinderhulk, Zac can clear the farms more easily, so that he is able to gank and help the laners more often. With just one defensive item, he will become a huge fear with the hole enemy team.

Zac has always been well-known with his perfect ganking ability

As you can easily see, Zac’s skills make him a “combat-opening” machine with the ability of annoying and dividing the enemy team.

Runes for Zac


At the beginning of Season 10, Graves was said to be a strong jungler due to the appearance of new items, especially Umbral Blade. In recent patches, Graves has been used by a lot of proplayers from Asia to Europe and his winrate is not bad at all!

Surprise, I’m back!

Graves is a really special champion as he has to reload after 2 shots and cannot shoot through turrets, minions,… Therefore, Phase Rush is extremely suitable for him to kite easier and have time to reload.

Runes for Graves

These are the most powerful junglers in patch 10.10. If you have any ideas, just tell me by leaving a comment below.

Thanks for your reading.