Top 5 Champions with perfect Skill-Sets

1. Irelia

Had been released for years on patch V. in 2010 , but it was until the 8th season that Irelia was remade and became a hot pick in both professional and rated matches.  Not only showing overpower in Top but this girl is also often brought to Mid.

Instead of just slashing like before, after remaking Irelia is really a Master of Dancing Blades.  With the new skill set, Irelia will become a nightmare when she is with pro players. Typically, with Irelia, TF Blade can quickly climb to the Top 1 Challenges of a series of League of Legends servers.

Despite of being nerfed so many times, including taking away the ability to increase damage to armor and the Disarming effect from Ultimate, Irelia is still one of Meta’s top powerful Champion.

2. Sylas:

As the 143th general debuted in early 2019, Sylas seemed to dominate Mid Lane at that time.  Despite of being a melee magician, Sylas possessed an extremely perfect and versatile set of skills.

Sylas’s skill set allows him to move troops quickly and control lane without fear of caster champions.  In addition, he also has the ability to approach and put good damage. Not only that, Sylas is relatively mobile allowing him to swap the lane well, roam and contribute a lot in the teamfight.

Because he’s too perfect and too strong.  Sylas is constantly being looked after by Riot Games from damage reduction to armor nerf from E over and over again.  Despite being nerf so many times, Sylas is still a reliable choice from rank up to pro.

3. Lee Sin

Lee Sin – extremely old champion of League of Legends and associated with the Legend of Insec.  Despite of being released for a long time, Lee Sin has a perfect skill set and is more balanced than the above names when there is not too much change in the way it launch.

This skill set is both maneuverable, causing large amounts of damage in early and middle , the Ultimate also helps Blind Monk create mutations or cover allies. He is one of the few Champs that has both good gank-ability and control over the targets such as Elemental Dragon and Rift Herald. Lee Sin is always in the top of the junglers who dominate the meta and is also the favorite champion of main junglers.  

4. Kai’Sa

One of the “darling” members of Riot Games.  Although joining League for not so long, but since appearing, Kai’sa has always been the top choice in the bottom lane.  The Abilities is not only Hyper Carry, but also flexible on item selection.

Kai’sa seems to be the most integrated and perfect version of the current AD carries.  She has both the ability to counter Tankers and Hyper Carries like Vayne, has both mobility and the ability to protect herself from Ultimate, in addition to being strong throughout the match.

Daughter of the Void also has an extremely flexible buildings, full AP, critical damage, attack speed, … no matter which way is picked up, Kai’sa is still extremely strong.  Although perfect, Kai’sa is not considered as too “faulty”, so since her debut until now, she has not received too many waves of power changes.

5. Thresh

A champion that has been around since the beginning of season 3, Thresh has always been considered the most supportive champion in League of Legends.  Since its launch, any season Thresh has been favored by players from rankings to major tournaments.

Enemies on the road with The Chain Warden will always feel insecure because being hooked means the end.  Up to 3 extremely uncomfortable control crown skills are the perfect tool for him to take advantages in lane as well as create mutations in teamfights or protect teammates.  In addition, Dark Passage can help his teammates to escape or create armor.