TOP 6: Facts Show That You Are a Veteran Player

League of Legend is one of the most popular video game in the world, which has developed for a decade. There are many fans of this game now, including many veteran players. So that, today we will discuss about top 6 facts show that you are a veteran player

Read all the lore of each Champion

Lore in League of Legend is a topic that Riot spends a lot of attention and dedication in by usually updating and adding some relevant details. This helps create the Universe of League of Legend. Although knowing all the lore is not compulsory, but if you are a veteran fan of this game, you must have spent some time to read through the lore of your favorite champs. There are also some crazy fans of lore, they learnt by heart all the lore and if you asked, they could tell you all. Moreover, there are some fans who wrote their own lore about League of Legend, based on the main story.

Watched legendary players like Xpeke or Insec play

Xpeke’s legendary backdoor

LoL is the most success MOBA game now, this success was not just achieved by dev-teams, but also by pro-players because their performance inspired most of amateur players in the world. If you are a veteran player, you must have watched the unforgettable back-door of Xpeke with Kassadin, or the spin-kick of Lee Sin in controlled by Insec, which formed the style of Lee Sin players in the future.

Now you can watch those highlights easily with mass media, but the memories of players who watched it live is amazing.

Having rare skins from Season 2 or 3

Victorious Jarvan IV

If you have skins from beginning seasons like Victorious Ryze or Jarvan IV, you are absolutely a veteran player full of experience. Although not fancy as those latest skins, these Victorious skins is incredibly rare because at that time, Gold Rank is really hard to achieve due to lack of players.

Experienced old deleted items

Experiencing old items is an exclusive right that only old player can have. Latest memorable removed item is Spear of Shojin, which was the favorite item in most of all Top Laners. But if you have played before 2017, there are plenty more of memorable items like Deathfire Grasp (which made Pentakills in one-shot LeBlanc), or Sword of the Occult (which made 1000 damage Darius), and the most we miss is  Mana Potion (I cried every time remember about it).

Know all old metas

Beside of experienced old items, veteran players are also who watched old metas Champions had risen and fallen in each seasons passed. With experience after 20 years of Riot dev-teams, they and with the creative of worldwide players have brought us many surprise. Tons of play styles were born by the hands of Riot, for example was Master Yi Full AP with only 1Q Pentakills. Only old players can experience these metas with huge of fun.

Experienced unique mode

Nowadays, players must wait until events in order to play some unique mode like URF or ARURF. In the past, League of Legend players had bigger chance to experience all these modes very often. Like Doom Bots (also known as Nightmare mode), still BOT but they were created in hell with unbelievable skills. Or Black Market Brawlers, which allow you to buy unique Minions to support on your lane. Last but not least is Nemesis Draft, this mode let enemy to pick for your team, they can give you some random champions that you have never played before or champion that is super weak in fighting. All of these for-fun-modes have not only created for us memorable occasions, but also made the big success of League of Legend.

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