Top 7 OP champions in the history of LoL development

There are champion in League of Legends that are so OP that it “auto win”. Here are 7 champions who once had a peak OP period that was banned in every match.

Top 7 OP champions

1. Zoe

At the time, Zoe almost disappeared from Rank when her ban rate reached 91.21%. Even professional gamers must be afraid to confront the horror One Shot ability of Zoe.

Top 7 OP champions

In addition, Zoe also possesses skill sets that work too far. Regardless of whether you are a Tank champion or a damage, Zoe only need to combo E – Q to finish you off.

Not only that, Zoe also has the ability to steal Spells as well as the enemy’s activating equipment – too much for a champion “horror”. Currently, Zoe has some nerfs and is less used than before but scary of Zoe unforgettable.

2. Twisted Fate server test

The only weakness of Twisted Fate is that there are a lot of Counter champion Twisted Fate, rest Twisted Fate can comfortably the scary to the enemy. The ability to safely go lane, clear quick creeps with Q – Wild Cards, fight a Combat or catch with W – Pick A Card (Gold Card) + Wild Cards combo.

Top 7 OP champions

But what makes Twisted Fate an OP comes from his ultimate fast-paced approach. At the time, Twisted Fate seemed to be everywhere on the map, easily turning the fighting from 2vs2 into 2vs3, 4vs4 into 4vs5, … Apparently, TF’s presence in the lineup brought one The great advantage in overwhelming the number of people whenever there is a fight is that there is no way to prevent or foretell. Although it was a thing of the past, many people are still very happy (and shudder) whenever they remember.

3. Xin Zhao when he first debuted

If you don’t play League of Legends from the first seasons, you won’t be able to feel the obsession that Xin Zhao caused. On the reddit forum, when recalling the Xin Zhao many players have to pity.

Top 7 OP champions

“Once he reaches level 6, you won’t be able to be on the same screen with him. The truth is like a joke: Alone Xin Zhao can 1 vs 5, the only thing I remember is level 2 of the pillar or The rule that I and my friends set when I met Xin Zhao is not to let him farm, even if it’s just one, otherwise it will all end ”.

4. Nidalee “1Q – 1 Kill”

Top 7 OP champions

Nidalee recently seems to disappear from LoL. Referring to the champion Jung, people immediately think of Lee Sin, Kha’zix, Zac, … But in season 6, Nidalee is one of the most favorite jungle walkers not only in the professional arena but also in Ranking mode. Saying that doesn’t mean the current Nidalee is weak, it’s just that she’s not suitable for meta.

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Set the case to face a Q of Nidalle to see if you stop breathing for a beat. At the peak of time, Nidalee could take down a champion with just a javelin and no one dared to face 1v1 with her. But players can be assured, Riot constantly updating the new version is to take the champions to miss too long back to the Summoner Rift map.

5. Kassadin

Top 7 OP champions

Kassadin is one of the OP champions to the point of being riot nerf and almost disappearing from the Summoner Rift. His Q is used to silence, eventually Stack Mana when used continuously with R. The player at that time had only one way to prepare is Flash whenever saw him disappear out map.

6. Old Ryze

The old Ryze is one of the champions that no one can escape, his skill set to make W attack binds opponents constantly. The cooldown is reduced by casting skills that Ryze can throw Stun continuously. Combined with the old ultimate, you can kill people like a very easy machine. After being rework, even though there was no OP left, Ryze was still a difficult champion to balance, demanding Riot to constantly edit.

7. Jax immortal

Jax has been a gamer obsession since he was first released. Previously, Q – Leap Strike did not have to attack a single target but had an AOE effect, so he became more powerful in the fighting phases. This ability is even more intimidating with the amount of damage and a longer distance than the current time.

Jax’s next scary point comes from Counter Strike (E) has an “attribute”. Jax’s counterattack ability can increase this evasion attribute when he can stun enemies and can evade attacks.

This allows Jax not only to evade common attacks, but also to the skills of enemy champions or pillar attacks. At that time, Jax was almost immortal when he could comfortably take down the enemy and come back safely.