Top Champions in new patch 12.14

Here is the list of top champions in patch 12.14 (based on U.GG).

Top Champions: Taric

Taric is among the better supports if you wish to advance in the solo queue, despite rarely being chosen in professional play. In the meta, where tanky, high-utility supports are highly prized, Taric is difficult to beat in those categories. He has a stun, heal, and an ultimate that temporarily makes his squad invulnerable.

He can boast a 54.59 win ratio thanks to such factors.

Top Champions: Heimerdinger

Heimerdinger is a mid-laner who is on the list. He is rarely used in professional competition, yet in the solo queue, he has a staggering 53.99 percent win rate. Even so, he possesses a number of good points and great defensive traits, but he still needs practice.

Top Champions: Swain

It’s also difficult to leave out Swain when discussing mid-scope adjustments that have produced fruitful outcomes this year. The adjustments gave the champion new life, and he immediately went back to playing in the mid-lane, where he belonged. However, he now enjoys a higher win ratio in the top lane, where he has a win rate of 53.05 percent.

Top Champions: Zac

League players frequently choose champions for positions other than those for which they were intended, and the results are frequently astounding. Zac, who presently has a 53.03 percent victory percentage in the top lane, is no exception. Who knows, perhaps the Secret Weapon’s future is as a top lane bruiser?

Top Champions: Kled

Kled is yet another uninvited visitor on the list. Despite not receiving any direct benefits from Riot Games in recent patches, he still managed to improve his top lane win ratio to 53.39 percent.

Top Champions: Janna

Finally, Janna, the second support on the list, has been located. This season brought about numerous significant changes for the champion, including her first relocation to the top lane and her return to the support position, where she currently has a win ratio of 53%.