Top champions to 1v5 in Wild Rift

Carry your entire team by playing these champions in Wild Rift.

Climbing the Wild Rift ladder alone could be incredibly frustrating, especially in the lower ranks. Luckily, there are champions who are gifted with extraordinary power and who are capable of carrying the whole game on their own. The five champions below are capable of doing this thanks to the damage and versatility of their abilities.


Yasuo is a champion with super high mobility, his 3rd ability allows Yasuo to actively control the minions waves and create huge pressure on the enemies during his laning phase. His passive doubles the crit rate that allowing players to reach 100 per cent crit rate early without relying heavily on the item. With the 2nd ability, you can block most of the skill shots, avoiding receive any damage before engaging in combat. Yasuo’s ultimate, Last Breath, enables him to retain the enemies and finish them in the air, which is the perfect finish or kick-off for 1v5s.

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Jax is one of the most versatile champions in Wild Rift. You can build attack speed for Jax while adding more resistances that make the enemy difficult to deal with. Much like Yasuo, this champion has certain mobility which enables him to rush forward or backwards and dodge damage for 2 seconds. Jax’s ult is a particularly important tool to help him disrupt the combat and it will be perfect if you use your 3rd ability to stun as many enemies as you can.

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Nasus can become both super tanky as dealing tons of damage output at the same time. His 1st ability can stack infinitely when last hit minions, jungle monster or even champions. If you are rushing Nasus tank, Trinity Force will be his core item to deal damage in combat. Each time he activates his ultimate, which gains him extra health and huge cooldown reduction on his Q, Nasus will then reaches a state when he is almost unkillable. His passive also further allows this God to stay even longer in long-term combats.

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Ezreal is the most mobility ADC at the moment in Wild Rift. Although he does not have any ability to CC enemies like the three champions above, Ezreal is able to escape or chase the enemy thanks to his 3rd ability. He can jump over the wall and position himself using it as a cover point instead of relying on his support. Any enemy who attempts to chase him will be kited to death with a nasty poking skill set.

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Zed is one of the most popular assassins, even though his kit requires a very high player skill. His 2nd ability allows him to approach or retreat quickly, perfectly matching with his ultimate effect. You can easily 1v5 with Zed if you choose the right target and master this champion to the highest level. By his ability to kill the enemy team carries early in combats, Zed can contribute to team fights more easily than most assassins in comparison. With the carries being taken down, it will just become a matter of time for him to escape and then comeback to clean up the rest of their team.

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In theory, most champions can succeed in 1v5, but the odds won’t be as successful as those 5 power picks mentioned above. In addition to the output of damage, the champion you choose must be mobility or have enough resistance to survive after each long-length fight.