With these champions, you can confidently choose first without having to worry about who the TOP is.
If you are a top lane player, you have encountered a lot of difficult and inhibiting situations when you have to pick before the opponents and they have a choice to completely counter your champion. That led to losing the lane, leveling up slowly and eventually becoming a burden for the team.
Recently, there is an extremely annoying trend that the gosu carrying Vayne to TOP and even take Ignite to win the lane easily. This is really a nightmare for the top’s guardians in League, especially with players whose technique are not impressive and they often lock in safe selections such as tankers or control crown owners.
Today Notagame we would like to help you guys solve these problems with some choice that get the aptitude for every difficult challenge at the moment, you can confidently first pick in the upper position without fear of being slipped.
1. Mordekaiser
Mordekaiser has been an extremely hard-fought champion in Top Lane since being reworked so far. The ability to recover, create armor and the huge amount of magic damage make The Iron Revenant rarely be beaten in the road even when having to face a difficult deal.
And with The conqueror rune, he is totally a monster in combat as well as solo kills or even 1 vs 2 with his ultimate advantage. Although the Mordekaiser is easy to play, in order to fully master his strength, players still need time to get acquainted.
2. Soraka
Top Soraka is an emerging phenomenon, sweeping every tournaments in every regions all over the world. Despite of being a traditional Support champion, The Starchild is being used effectively in the top lane and can easily bully champions that lack of maneuvẻability like Ornn, Sett, etc.
In addition, another benefit when you pick Soraka is that the opponents absolutely does not know where you use this champion for, what is her role and they may also make some safe choices for both top and bottom.
3. Sett
As a overpowered one at the moment, Sett does not really have many strong counters that can create him some difficulty. His skillset can easily take down enemies in one only combo or control his minion waves.
Currently, The Boss owns 2 gameplay with The Conqueror or The Aftershock. Sett can also use The Grasp of the undying when encountering strong traders. The wide area of standard damage of W-Haymaker is his terrifying power when laning and engaging in teamfights.
It can be said that Sett is the true monster that Riot Games launched, a champion that is too imbalanced at the moment, so you should take advantages of playing and practicing this champion to climb higher rank before he can be nerfer fatally by Riot Games in the next releases.
4. Ornn
Ornn, like Sett, is a rather buggy one at the moment but his role is a genuine tanker. Perhaps Ornn is the safest option because this champion is very strong, his damage is not small when trading and has the ability to cause very scary control crown effects.
Not to mention The Fire below the mountain can enhance the power of his or his teammates equipments bring a lot of benefits. You can always confidently first pick with Ornn because even though he looks quite imprisoned, Ornn is difficult to gank because of the resistance to cc and the E-Searing charge can help to escape in dangerous situations.
Especially the ultimate Call of the Forge God is always one of the most scary ultimates in combat and catching the main carry of the other side at a long distance. This is also extremely sublime in the hands of Faker-The Demon king and you know how its fate is going to be :(( (Remember Ryze and Galio).
5. Shen
Shen is one of the very first champions to join the League but he still get some skill to shine through the last decade and is not easy to beat.
When using The Eye of Twilight and having a difficult deal, you just need to make sure to play safely at the stage of the road and not lose more than 30-40 minions compared to your opponent. This is enough to make sure you will not be smashed and still be able to cause his influence on the outcome of the match thanks to the essence.
From level 6, try to observe the map well to make sure you use your ultimate properly and create advantages for your teammates in solo or small team fighting, then they will carry you in end of the game. However, Shen’s skill range is not too far, so try to use the E-Flash combo to create mutations in combats.
6. Gangplank
With the ability to poke and farm from a distance, Gangplank is a pretty tough opponent for any champion who wants to win his lane, not to mention he also has the ability to recover and solve the cc very well from W-Remove Scurvy. However, The Saltwater Scourge is an extremely difficult champion to master for low rank players, so take a little time to use it to form this champion.
And similar to Shen, Gangplank also needs to have good map observation skills to support his teammates in teamfights to give his teammates an advantage before he is equipped to participate in these.
7. Aatrox
One of the champions with the ability to weigh the team is extremely popular by professional League teams. Despite being nerfed quite a few times, Aatrox is still trusted for its excellent burst damage and CC.
Aatrox’s ability to recover and high damage is very annoying when traveling in the same lane. Moreover, Aatrox clears minions very quickly and has a set of potential solo kill with his control crown and good movement skills.
Although Aatrox is used a lot, but to be really confident first pick and win the road is not simple. However, if you make the most of your skill set, Aatrox can still override any opponent.