Top TFT Set 7.5 Dragon comps in patch 12.20b

We’ve got you covered with a meta guide to some of the top Set 7 comps as of TFT patch 12.20b.

There is much to learn in these Uncharted Realms in the new TFT Set 7.5. The Convergence meta is still in flux, but we have you covered with the top compositions you should try on patch 12.20b to keep up your ranked grind.

Players can now explore Uncharted Realms in TFT Set 7.5 after spending the previous three months in Dragonlands. Numerous new units and augments were included with the Mid-Set update, and the metagame is undoubtedly changing.

Top Dragon comps in TFT Set 7.5

4+ Dragons comps

Since Riot buffed Dragons and made it a chase trait, it has been a dominant force in the Convergence. Just slamming as many as you can at one time onto your board is a decent way to success — but it gets better if you can hit the ascended power of Dragon 6.

Not all Dragons are built equal. You want to focus on picks like Terra and Idas for the frontline, while Ao Shin, Daeja, Shyvana, or even Shi Oh Yu can provide your damage. Sohm isn’t a solid pick due to Mage, and the same goes for Swain and Darkflight, plus Aurelion Sol with Astral and Evoker. Zippy and Nomsy also don’t scale as well due to being Tier 3 picks.

Additionally, it’s not only dragons. Ideally, you should complete some qualities. Rakan is fantastic; he can replace Shyvana’s Ragewing and Idas’ Guardian. If you’re short on damage, Jayce isn’t the worst choice alongside Shyvana, and pushing 4 Tempest with any flex option with Ao Shin is also acceptable.

Remember that this board is completely capped. Given that you have to move from mid-game into this, it requires a fair level of skill to hit. Take note of good item holders: although Astral and Lagoon boards can hold the AP items for damage well, cavaliers are fine for tank items. It’s time to switch once you start encountering Dragons in the late game.

Shi Oh Yu and Sy’fen comps

The Shi Oh Yu and Sy’fen dual carry board that has swept TFT off its feet completes the list as the most reliable comp of the most recent meta. It can constantly place you in the top four positions and is simple to hit without using a lot of resources.

The Tier 4 Dragons and their two unique qualities, Jade and Whispers, are plainly at the center of the game. You have a decent mix of damage, tankiness, and shredding ability to outmuscle most boards if you can get 5 Jade in with Jax and Gnar for the two Jade Status then add 4 Whispers with Pantheon.

If you get a high roll, you can try to push for four-cost troops like Jayce and Pantheon or three-star Dragons, all of which are important on this board.

This board may not have a higher cap than the others. However, if you want something you can play quite easily and consistently place to gradually go up the ladder, this competition is for you.