New Triple Tonic replaces Stopwatch Rune in League of Legends

As the League of Legends season 2024 approaches, a wave of transformations is sweeping through every facet of the game, runes included.

One notable alteration is the removal of ‘Perfect Timing’ keystone from the Inspiration tree, making way for the introduction of the ‘Triple Tonic.’ This shift carries significant implications, particularly for mage champions and certain bot lane supports.

The current staple, ‘Perfect Timing,’ renowned for providing a free stopwatch after a predetermined duration in-game, is poised to be replaced. The advantage of receiving a 750g stopwatch at a pivotal moment during a match has not gone unnoticed. However, Riot Games, recognizing its impact, has opted for a more balanced approach with the introduction of ‘Triple Tonic.’

Triple Tonic to replace Perfect Timing

Set to reside within the Inspiration tree, ‘Triple Tonic’ deviates from its predecessor by offering 3 distinct elixir items upon reaching a specific level. Drawing parallels to the familiar biscuits and magical footwear keystones within the same tree, ‘Triple Tonic’ transforms consumables into elixirs, each serving a unique purpose.

Elixir of Avarice

Elixir of Avarice is received after you reach level 3. Consuming this will gain you 5 true damage on hit against minions for 60 seconds. When this effect expires, you gain 40 gold.

Elixir of Force

Elixir of Force is received after you reach level 6. Consuming this will grant you 20 adaptive force for 60 seconds.

Elixir of Skill

Unlike its previous iteration, Elixir of Skill is not an entirely novel concept; it temporarily exited the game in patch 9.23. Back then, it was deemed overpowering, particularly as it granted free skill points for upgrading non-ultimate abilities. However, League of Legends has evolved since the 2019 season, creating an opportune moment for reintroducing this keystone into the current meta.

Image via Riot Games

All these forthcoming adjustments, coupled with the retirement of the Stopwatch rune, are set to be implemented in Patch 14.1, slated for an early January 2024 release. As the League community braces itself for the new season, the strategic dynamics are bound to undergo a fascinating transformation.