Tristana: Top ADC in Patch 11.5

Following Kai’Sa, Tristana becomes the most pick ADC champions in the competitive scene.

During Season 11, Kai’Sa has always been dominating the ADC’s choices, especially in Bot Lane. She always stands at the top of the Pick and Ban-rate on every leaderboard of any server. However, in Patch 11.5, Tristana is slowly dethroning Kai’Sa.

The first reason why Tristana is growing bigger and bigger is due to the support role’s meta. Currently, tanky support champions are really the top choices to go for. Therefore, she cooperates extremely well with them. Champions such as Thresh, Rell, or Alistar requires players to maintain an aggressive playstyle. To aid them, aggressive Marksmen is also favoured.

Before Patch 11.5, Samira was a wonderful choice but the situation has sadly changed. She was nerfed heavily especially in the pre-level-six stage. That is when Tristana comes to replace her. With her powerful E – Explosive Charge and some decent slow with her W – Rocket Jump, she is able to deal tons of damage and also have the ability to chase her enemies down.

Finally, after Phantom Dancer received some buffs in Patch 11.3, Tristana is one of the best champions to utilise its Passive. Her Q – Rapid Fire brings her Attack Speed up to nearly 2.5 (the maximum amount of AS if you don’t have a way to bypass it), quickly grants her four stacks to activate PD’s Passive.

Runes and Builds


Due to winning lanes in Solo Queue is extremely important, Hail of Blades is the number choice to go for. Tristana with HoB is actually really strong in all stages of a match. In the early stage, this will guarantee to proc her Explosive Charge if her enemies decide to fight instead of retreating. During mid to late game, HoB will ensure her getting to PD’s Passive quickly in the team fights. Taste of Blood, Ravenous Hunter, and Triumph will help Tristana survive until you get Bloodthirster.


Traditionally, Kraken Slayer -> Berserker’s Greaves -> Phantom Dancer -> Infinity Edge should always be fixed. These items are proven to be good in any situations. The last two items you can decide based on each match-up. In this meta, it’s normally good to get the last two defensive items, but if you decide to go wild or the enemy’s champions are way too tanky, then get Lord Dominik’s Regard.