Tristana – Wild Rift Guide

League of Legends: Wild Rift Tristana is a Marksman Champion who can be played on the dragon lane and it is a late-game AD carry that can damage enemies from a far distance. Tristana has a very high DPS and Burst Damage thanks to her abilities in her kit. Her abilities scale extremely well with both Attack Damage and Ability Power.  In this guide, we will take a look at the best runes, spell, build, including tips and tricks to take over the match with Tristana in League of Legends: Wild Rift.


About rune, Fleet Footwork seems suitable most for her as this grand her Movement Speed and Healing. In addition, her kiting skill will be more annoying to deal with for Close Ranged Champion. This is a common rune equipped by a marksman that focuses on basic attacking. The additional Movement Speed and healing are a great help for marksmen to sustain in lane and during a team fight.

Summoner spells

As for summoner spells, Heal can be an alternative to Barrier but if you consider surviving in combat longer, stick with Barrier. The barrier can also help you survive longer against assassins like Zed, Akali, or Evelyn.

Builds and items

Infinity edge: This is the main offensive item for marksmen. As Tristana depends heavily on his basic attack to deliver damage onto enemy champions, Crits are essential to her kit. Thus, this is a must-have item for her.

Statikk Shiv + Rapid Firecannon: These items run extremely well together as well as with Fleet Footwork. Moving and auto-attacking constantly turn her into a killing machine.  In addition, it gives Attack Speed and Crit Rate which is essential for marksmen.

Bloodthirster: This item acts as both a defensive and offensive item. It gives Tristana better survivability and dueling capability with the shield and Physical Vamp. and provides more Attack Damage.

Mortal Reminder: a must-have item if you are up against a tank.

The Gluttonous Greaves: gives Movement Speed, Physical and Magical Vamp.  This is essential for Tristana to gain additional mobility and heal herself during fights and laning. Additionally, with Quicksilver Enchant: Tristana will be able to cure herself of crowd control abilities when she gets caught by enemies.

Skill orders

Rapid FireRocket JumpExplosive ChargeBuster Shot

Tips and trick for Tristana

Early game

In the early game, Tristan should aim to do small trades and avoid all-in if possible. As she out scales most marksmen in the late game, she does not need to play aggressively for leads in the early phase. Make use of Tristana’s Ability 3, Explosive Charge passive and active, to win small trades during the landing phase. As there is a delay to Tristana’s Ability 2, Rocket Jump, work with a Supporter toward out common ganking spots and use the ability to reposition as soon as spot any fishy and threatening activities in the surrounding!

Mid game

During team fights or skirmishes, if a high threat enemy champion gets too close, use Ability 2, Rocket Jump first, then while in mid-air, use Ultimate, Buster Shot to immediately widen the gap between Tristana and the enemy threat. Focus on damaging the closest target unless there is an opportunity to instantly delete enemy priority targets (the carries).

Late game

This is when Tristana becomes huge. A hyper carry. By level 12-15, with the item build, most of the time, Tristana can hit an enemy with the Energized attack and walk away, taking zero damage. Use this to your advantage, try landing your Energized attacks on main carries, it should get them somewhere less than 80% health, getting a massive advantage for your team.

Tristana counters

Strong against: Miss Fortune, Ezreal, Vayne, and Varus.

Weak against: Mundo, Malphite, Singed, Zed, and Evelynn.