Tryndamere and Master Yi really should be on the rework schedule – Rework Champions LoL

Rework Champions LoL – Master Yi and Tryndamere – 2 champions most ridiculous. They are extremely useless in the match but too sometimes becomes extremely bugs and become out of control. This discomfort led many to suggest Riot Games should do rework 2 this champions.

Master Yi and Tryndamere – 2 name is no stranger to the players League of Legends. At first entered the game with low level, you might have many times as they furiously. Sometimes, in a few matches, they as one force, one monster sweeping and destructive in the inability of your team. But sometimes, they are like extremely harmless puppets and useless. Why so?

Tryndamere and Master Yi really should be on the rework schedule – Rework Champions LoL

These two champions are the definition of stat check.

I don’t think I need to explain how these champs are stat check. Like I’m sure you know that nimbus cloak procs on ignite, meaning you can get run down stat checked without a flash committal from tryndamere.

Or how Master Yi is the only champion in the game that has spawned an entirely new playstyle centered around giving him enough gold to pass stat checks called funnel. Yes, maybe twitch jg can do it to an extent, but nothing compares to yi funnel because his kit is so simple that his stats are allowed to be absurdly high.

Currently, Fiddlesticks and Volibear are on the schedule, but both those champions are not severely unpleasant to play against. Fiddlesticks is at 141th most banned and Volibear is at 188th.

In contrast, master yi is 18th, right above kassadin at 19th. And I’m sure you know how often kassadin is banned. Tryndamere is 68th.

edit: the discussion is horrible, never change reddit. People trying to discount the post by saying I’m just using “buzzwords” when trynd/yi engagements are literally the d&d textbook definition of stat checking. Meaning they run into you with dash or nimbus cloak and it turns into a dungeons and dragons encounter where whoevers stats are higher wins the fight.

And that’s not to mention all the idiotic comments like “ahri has the next worst kit in the game after trynd and yi” I just got in my inbox. Didn’t think my opinion of this subreddit could go any lower, but reading some of this shit makes my eyes bleed.

edit 2: Also 993 comments in and I still haven’t seen a single comment address the fact that nimbus cloak proccing on ignite is a huge issue contributing to stat check. As well as the fact that ignite was buffed for no particular reason on 9.2 from its original state in 6.9 to have a 180 second cooldown instead of 210 seconds. Yep, we played the game for three years with virtually no net* ignite changes and one day riot decided that ignite needed a substantial cooldown buff. The old riot special: Change for the sake of change, with complete disregard of the consequences, and then years down the road we feel the effects of that change with nimbus cloak tryndamere with ignite.

Rework Champions LoL

This is because their gameplay is designed for beginner or low-rank players.The skill set has an extremely large damage.The common point of Tryndamere and Master Yi is the extremely high damage but accessibility and ultra-poor combat that should give birth to selfish gameplay.

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For Tryndamere, the ability to go lane at medium level.Since there is E to reach and R to solo, his 1vs1 ability is very well-used but useless when encountering CC. So the player Tryndamere usually only farm, pushing odd and hate combat.

ImageRework Champions LoL

Master Yi is also quite similar, his main position is forest, but his gank abilities are incredibly bad and often appear only to KS.Thanks to the strategy of accumulating with Taric, he became annoy was more than Tryndamere.But when he appeared, Master Yi often turned the game into 4vs5 when plugged on the farm and did not join Gank or combat.

Rework Champions LoL

There are actually quite a few reasons to rework these two champions: 1 is to make them balanced and less ridiculous, 2 is that they become more useful.But there is still reason for them to remain with the Summoner Rift’s.It is their simplicity and ease of play that should be retained for those poorly skill players.

Rework Champions LoL

But with the recent tendency to rework of Riot in 2 champion Volibear and Fiddlesticks as rework but still retain the original features, rework for Master Yi and Tryndamere is workable.Riot should give Tryndamere something so that he is useful in combat like 1 true fighter or improves Gank ability of Master Yi but retains their brand.

Whether or not they will be reworked will be decided by Riot Games. But if many players are still determined to remake them, maybe Riot will have to create a poll among the players only. And what do you guys think about whether they should rework?

Information From: Reddit

Sorry for my English, we are trying every day and hope you will ignore