Twitch Titanic Hydra – the newest build that dominates bot lane in Patch 11.15

This Twitch build can turn The Plague Rat into a walking AoE machine gun in League of Legends.

Titanic Hydra is a Bruiser item that provides up to 500 health points and 30 attack damage and a passive that grants an extra attack power equal to 2% of extra health. That is, the more health you have, the more powerful your attack is -> extremely ideal for Bruisers, right?

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However, the elites have lately begun to prioritize this item for another champion who is not a Bruiser, Twitch. Surprisingly, Titanic Hydra’s Twitch build also yielded surprising results. Let’s take a look at why this build is reviving the bottom lane meta and bringing The Plague Rat back to the metagame.

Credit: Anklespankin

Twitch used to have a period while he was building AP cores such as Riftmaker and Nashor’s Tooth. Twitch was progressively forgotten after being nerfed on E because, with the traditional hand-shooting ADC playstyle, this mouse is difficult to compare with Kog’maw, Caitlyn, Tristana,…

Twitch needs something unique to return to Summoner Rift, and that “something unique” is Titanic Hydra. Twitch’s win rate with Titanic Hydra is extremely high, even though it is still tough to fight powerful bot lane mages like Ziggs, Seraphine, Veigar… however in the late game, Twitch’s strength is still tough is exceptional, and not many champions can survive once the Plague Rat activated his Ultimate.

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As we would prioritize quality over quantity, Press the Attack is still the best option for Twitch rather than Lethal Tempo. Precision’s remaining points are Triumph, Legend: Alacrity, and Coup De Grace. We’ll pick Inspiration as a sub-branch and earn two points that help him to stay healthier in the lane: Magical Footwear and Biscuit Delivery. The abilities are raised in the following order: E -> Q -> W -> R.

Twitch will primarily pick safe farming in the early stages, starting with the Doran’s Blade and Health Potion, to prevent visits from the opposing jungle. Twitch will struggle with hand-to-hand coordination in 2v2 exchanges until he reaches level 6. Of course, if you have experience and know exactly how to handle trades, you may still benefit from those early fights, but keep in mind that the aim is still to “purchase items and wait for the late game.”

Once you’ve progressed through the game’s early stages and obtained two key items, Kraken Slayer and Runnan’s Hurricane, it’s time for the “rat” to purchase the “unique item” Titanic Hydra. If you reach this stage, Twitch’s win rate rises to 59.32 percent. Twitch will now surprise the opponent team with massive damage if you have your ultimate and can select a good position to spray in combats.

Twitch’s build order

Although Titanic Hydra’s damage spread from ranged champions is decreased to only 75%, imagine how Titanic Hydra paired with his R – Spray and Pray. Twitch can fire through enemies with his R, which increases his base damage and attack range, and each target struck activates Titanic Hydra’s passive, which deals damage in a cone to the rear. Only 3-4 deadly bullets will cause a wide area of damage (similar to Miss Fortune’s R).

When you have Titanic Hydra, you can acquire other items such as regular ADCs to increase the damage of the mouse’s basic attack. At the present, popular items choices include Infinity Edge, Lord Dominik’s Regards, Bloodthirster, Blade of the Ruined King, and Guardian Angel.

Furthermore, because Titanic Hydra is a Bruiser item, it offers up to 500 health, which is a substantial amount of health for him to feel more comfortable in combat. To ensure ADC’s survival, partnering with The Plague Rat in the Bottom lane should still be the appearance of buff Support.

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