Tyler1 has finally reached Challenger in every role in League

Tyler1 has mastered every role in League by achieving Challenger in every lane

Streamer Tyler “Tyler1” Steinkamp has reached Challenger in the fifth and final role in his quest to achieve the highest rank in League of Legends while playing every role in the game.

Tyler1 began his journey to achieve the Challenger rating in every League role in solo queue in early 2020, beginning with his primary role, AD carry.  The task seemed challenging enough on its own, but Tyler had to attain the Challenger role by beginning with brand-new fresh accounts and working his way up the rankings individually.

Tyler went for the jungler role after entering Challenger an ADC, attaining his goal after over 1,000 games played.

He went to the top lane after perfecting the first two roles, where he reached Challenger after over 2,000 games. Tyler1 made some scathing remarks after learning the role, even going so far as to claim and explain why playing in that lane “sucks.” In September 2021, he reached Challenger while just playing in the mid lane, crossing another role off his ranking.

Then, on February 19, a late-night solo queue win with Nautilus brought this multi-year quest to a close. Tyler’s reaction was as noisy and wild as one could expect from the famous streamer.

Tyler1 would go on to add after his triumph that support had been the simplest part for him to perform during his journey. While he contributed this to the easiness of the role, having Challenger-level expertise in every lane is amazing. Fans were thrilled to see him accomplish this latest milestone.