Tyler1 believes Reworked Aurelion Sol will be completely broken

Tyler1 believes Reworked Aurelion Sol will be completely broken

Tyler1, a well-known League of Legends streamer, shared his opinions on Aurelion Sol’s freshly revealed rework after witnessing a preview of the champion’s abilities on his livestream.

After all of the waiting and delays, the complete abilities of the Aurelion Sol CGU have finally been revealed. Aurelion Sol will receive the first CGU in League, with the goal of transforming the champion into a real dragon fantasy.

Although Tyler1 praised Riot for giving Aurelion Sol an attractive and aesthetically exciting upgrade, the streamer is still concerned that the champion would be too broken when his rework eventually went live on the League servers.

Image via Riot Games

The revamp substantially alters Aurelion Sol’s present kit, emphasizing the cosmic creation component of his character rather than his distinctive stars. During the course of a game, the new Aurelion Sol will not have the orbiting stars around him. Instead, the champion will summon stars from the skies to demolish his opponents.

“The abilities look sick, I’m not gonna lie,”

“They look visually appealing. I imagine that it can’t be balanced. Like all reworks, it’s gonna be completely broken.”

His new Ultimate, Falling Star, in particular, hurls a gigantic meteor, stunning any who are hit by it. A sufficient stack of Stardust will change this ability into The Skies Descend, boosting the impact, knocking up affected opponents, and producing a shockwave that travels a very great distance.

“A Sol’s a very unique character. He’s not played ever, but like I said, I’m not trying to have to add another ban.” 

With virtually little data for Aurelion Sol across League, this should all change, since reworks have a tendency of bringing old champions back into the meta.

The CGU is presently being tested on the League PBE. The new champion will be available later in upcoming patches.