Tyler1 criticizes Riot for not nerfing this “giga-broken” League champion

Tyler “Tyler1,” a prominent Twitch streamer, has once again expressed his discontent with the present state of League as Riot continues to ignore this flawed champion.

Tyler1 criticized Riot Games for taking so long to nerf powerful League of Legends champions. Udyr, whom he called as “giga-broken,” is the champion he was referring to this time. After facing yet another player exploiting this meta-jungler for free elo, Tyler started to freak out.

Image via Riot Games

Tyler1 lose it again with League champion Udyr

The Udyr rework had been expected for quite a while now, and it recently went live in August 2022. The champion was underperforming at first, so he benefited from additional buffs shortly afterward, and has been one of the most powerful Jungle picks since then.

“What are these disgusting, Elo-inflated Udyr players going to do when they nerf this giga-broken champion?”

“When Riot leaves broken shit like this up, they take too long to nerf it,”

Tyler1’s main gripe is that Riot hasn’t bothered to nerf him yet—and he believes it’s a repeat offense toward the community. According to his statement on his stream, this irritates him since Riot’s choice forces him to deal with all the “no talent” players who don’t fit in his elo, but just exploiting this broken champion until Riot takes action.

According to League statistics op.gg, Udyr is one of the strongest junglers in the current meta, standing at the top of the leaderboard among Rammus, Elise, and many others. From the look of his stats, no wonder Tyler is mad at Riot for not noticing it.

Image via Riot Games

Sadly, the recent patch 13.1 preview did not mention any of Udyr adjustments, but that leaves Riot quite some time to consider nerfing him more heavily after patch 13.1. And only maybe from then, Tyler1 would be relieved.