Tyler1 viewer gets 14 ads during a stream, and xQc can’t stop laughing

xQc couldn’t stop laughing when seeing a Tyler1 footage of a viewer attempting to watch the stream

xQc frequently replies to amusing videos on his stream, but this newest Tyler1 clip had him in stitches for quite some time. The streamer was referring to one of his viewers who complained about being stuck behind a wall of advertisements.

The viewer was unable to see the channel owing to an overabundance of ads, leaving Tyler, xQc, and their audience in laughter.

xQc had a fantastic time after seeing the clip. The last was referring to a specific viewer, eeeeediot, who was attempting to watch the stream. He was, however, thwarted by an onslaught of advertisements.

“What is going on? I can’t see! Ads! 14 f**king ads! How is this allowed?! 14 ads, 30 seconds each! What is going on?”

“I can’t see! I have 11 more ads to go! What is Tyler1 doing? Mods please remove ads! This is hostage!”

“Remove ads for me, please! I am leaving stream!”

At this moment, xQc began to giggle, apparently pleased by Tyler1’s actions. The chat enjoyed it as well, with many repeating Omegalul emotes. Tyler’s impersonation of a viewer’s reaction had the Canadian streamer clasp his hands together in joy.

The viewer claimed to have departed, however, this was not the case. Tyler1 kept the message list up for a little longer, and viewers saw see the individual in question had seven more advertising to go at one point.

While the viewer was disappointed, it was a great time for Tyler1 and xQc’s streams.

Many users were upset with how Twitch handles advertisements these days, but one answer made it apparent that Tyler1 was spamming them throughout streams.

Some viewers stated that they would leave immediately if they saw an ad when they opened a stream. It’s unclear whether the viewer ever got to see Tyler1 play League of Legends, but xQc and his fans definitely enjoyed the inadvertently funny occasion.