Udyr in Patch 12.18: Buffs to damage-dealing, nerfs to tank builds


Riot had just revealed the full description of Patch 12.18, and along with it, Udyr will be seeing some new build paths that will change his gameplay

Udyr’s latest gameplay update may have only been released last month, but Riot Games is already making changes to help him find his most optimal itemization.

Lead game designer Matt “Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison has described the updates coming to the game for Patch 12.18, including adjustments in Udyr’s kit, especially his survivability and DPS abilities. 

Udyr changes in Patch 12.18

Q – Wilding Claw

W – Iron Mantle

R – Wingborne Storm

Image via Riot Games

The Spirit Walker is getting hit with the nerf hammer to his base health and armor per level.

His Iron Mantle stance is also being nerfed, with his percentage HP heal being decreased to 1.2 percent at all levels and his % HP shield being reduced at higher ranks. To compensate for such nerfs to his sustainability, the ability’s lifesteal per level has been increased.

Image via Riot Games

However, Udyr‘s Wilding Claw is getting substantial buffs to make up for the loss of tank stats. The ability’s mana cost has been decreased to a fixed 20 at all levels, and it now has two new effects. The initial effect gives the stance’s first two hits 50 range, and the Awakened form deals extra max health physical damage on its first two hits.

Udyr’s R’s damage will be reduced, and its wave clear speed will be changed such that it is less effective in the early game.

Image via Riot Games

Overall, the loss in Udyr’s tankiness should make it simpler for players to take him down, but the damage payout might be a useful tool for taking down enemies.

The changes, along with League Patch 12.18 is set to be released on September 21.