Udyr suddenly becomes a hot pick jungle in patch 11.2

Before patch 11.2, Udyr was listed as one of the most outdated champions in League of Legends. His skill set was so simple that players didn’t even see anything special about Udyr. Moreover, Udyr is voted to be remade in this year 2021, accompanied by Skarner, Nocturne, Quinn, and Shyvana.

Despite all the drawbacks, everything changes miraculously when Udyr becomes a hot pick in this patch. According to Op.gg, jungle Udyr receives up to 6,88% pick rate, 53,18% win rate in Solo/Queue. You should remember that his pick rate was only under 2% in patch 11.1. This champ also got picked by pro players around the world.

The reason behind this significant change is because the item Turbo Chemtank got a huge buff in patch 11.2. To be more specific, the price of Turbo Chemtank reduce to 2800, it’s ability haste increases from 15 to 20.  Even so, Turbo Chemtank’s mythic passive: Empowers each of your other Legendary items with 5 ability haste.

This item allows Udyr to clear the jungle with an insane amount of time when combined with Udyr’s R. the movement speed increased by Turbo Chemtank will help Udyr get close to the enemies ASAP. The reduction of its price also allows Udyr to snowball easily.

Beside that, Udyr also got his R – Phoenix Stance buffed by Riot in patch 10.19 and 10.21.

Because of these changes, Udyr got picked by many pro teams around the world. Despite the fact that his win rate is quite humble (36,4%), this is still a big move for The Spirit Walker. You should remember that in season 10, he was only got picked once in pro leagues.

About ruins, Phase Rush is the perfect option for this champ. The movement speed will help him chase down his target better, moreover, dealing more damage at the first phase.

In terms of item, Turbo Chemtank is definitely the core item for Udyr. Next you should buy Dead Man’s Plate for furthermore movement speed. If players wish to have a high DPS in the mid game, Lich Bane is the perfect item with the Phoenix Stance playstyle.

You could say that Udyr is the perfect champ for jungle beginners. This champ is easy to play, has a strong kit for a 1vs1, and can help newbies the way of defeating your opponents.