Unpopular Akali voiceover update to be reverted July 20 on the PBE

Riot Games

After a small public outrage over the Ashly Burch voiceover replacing the base Krizia Bajos’ Akali, Riot has decided to revert the change on the PBE

Spideraxe, a known LoL insider, broke the news on twitter

Riot Games

Ashly Burch will still be voicing Akali’s latest Star Guardian skin

Some might recognize Ashly through her other works like Aloy in Horizon Zero, Tiny Tina in Borderlands, Dark Willow in Dota 2, … Anyone familiar with those roles can attest to her massive talent.

It’s not the quality of the voiceover that people had a problem with, it’s the writing. Lots of LoL fans have complained about how the new base Akali VO doesn’t sound like Akali. And there’s the fact that for years people have gotten used to, and loved the original Krizia Bajos’ version. As far as many are concerned, she is the OG Akali and did a tremendously good job as well. Why fix what ain’t broke?

It’s unclear why Riot did not rehire Krizia (Call of Duty, Sims 4, …) for Star Guardian Akali. Could be something simple like scheduling conflicting, pay disagreement, difficulty to work with, … or Krizia herself might be uninterested in returning, etc. But much as we can say to Riot ‘why fix what ain’t broke’, I guess they can say the same to the player base. It was a small drama over nothing.

In the end, it’s a good thing that Riot listened to the players. Should there be something outrageous happening in the future, we can use our voice and be reassured that it will be taken into consideration up the ladder.

Riot Games

Now, will someone start protesting Riot’s latest RP price hike? I’ll follow your lead!