All Upcoming Skins in League of Legends 2024

Skins play a significant role in League of Legends, allowing players to customize the appearance of their favorite champions. Each champion in the game has a variety of skins available, giving players the opportunity to personalize their gameplay.

Throughout League of Legends‘ history, Riot Games has introduced over 1,500 skins for the game’s vast roster of champions. Additionally, every two weeks, Riot releases even more skins, adding to the ever-growing collection. Typically, these new skins are revealed a week or two before their official release. They first go through a testing phase on the PBE server, where players can preview and test them before they are made available to everyone. However, there are instances where skins are revealed much earlier than planned.

Image via Riot Games

In this article, we’ll take a look at all the skins that Riot has confirmed but has not yet released. Below is a list of the upcoming skins that are expected to be released in 2024.

Day Job Skins

The Day Job skin line is making a comeback after several years, with two brand-new skins set to be added to the collection.

Attorney Azir

Image via Riot Games

Janitor Thresh

Image via Riot Games

Release date: Patch 14.18, September 11, 2024

Crystalis Indomitus Skins

The latest set of Mythic skins introduced is the Crystalis Indomitus series. So far, two of these skins—Crystalis Indomitus Kha’Zix and Crystalis Indomitus Xerath—have been released, with another one on the way.

Crystalis Indomitus Nautilus

Image via Riot Games

Release date: Patch 14.18, September 11, 2024

Victorious Skins

Riot has announced that three Victorious skins will be released in 2024. So far, two of these have been revealed.

Victorious Sona

Release date: Unknown

Unknown Victorious Skin

Release date: Unknown

Prestige Skins

Several Prestige skins are also set to be released in the near future. These skins are highly coveted due to their exclusive nature.

Zeri Prestige Skin    

Release date: Patch 14.19, September 25, 2024

Diana Prestige Skin 

Release date: Patch 14.21, October 23, 2024

Worlds 2024 Skins

In keeping with tradition, Riot will be releasing new skins to celebrate the League of Legends World Championship. It’s rumored that two sets of skins will be released for Worlds 2024, including Prestige versions for both Diana and Zeri.

Zeri Prestige Skin    

Release date: Patch 14.19, September 25, 2024

Diana Prestige Skin 

Release date: Patch 14.21, October 23, 2024

Skin Rumors

As usual, there are a few rumors circulating about upcoming skins in League of Legends. While many rumors turn out to be inaccurate, some do end up being true.

Image via Riot Games

One of the most credible rumors suggests that Zoe will be getting a new skin. Zoe was originally supposed to be part of the Anima Squad skin line, but she was cut from the final release. Another strong rumor indicates that the Spirit Blossom skin line will return this year, possibly in a major release.

Regarding Prestige skins, there are likely to be more details announced soon, so be sure to stay tuned for further updates.