Upcoming Worlds League Patch 10.19: Some Significant Adjustments in ADC Meta before Worlds

Upcoming Worlds League Patch 10.19: Some Significant Adjustments in ADC Meta before Worlds

Before we head through League patch 10.19, Riot has always attempted to rebalance the ADC meta after receiving loads of backlash from the ADC mains, first in patch 10.8, and then on patch 10.11 sought to return their carry potential.

Nevertheless, certain meta-AD-carry such as Ezreal, Varus and others showed prominent performance irrespective of the buff. But most of these have been removed in the latest patches which have led to new meta-champions like Caitlyn and Ashe. Even though Ashe also had some significant nerfs, Caitlyn was unaffected, or in the other words, she was nerfed by 5 movement speed!

And today, the League lead gameplay designer, Mark “Scruffy” Yetter, previewed the patch 10.19 which will be the Worlds patch. And before Worlds, Riot is aiming Caitlyn who, along with Senna ADC, escaped last time to be on the 10.19 nerf list patch. Meanwhile, Sivir, Vayne, and Aphelios champions are getting some love.

Patch 10.19 preview

Aphelios, Vayne, Irelia, and Sivir are getting some love in Worlds Patch 10.19

Since being nerfed after a couple of patches, Aphelios is being set to getting some kind of buff heading to Worlds. The 200-year-marksman, regarded as a complex and challenging champion, has had a pretty hard time in competitive play and solo queue. Aphelios’s play rate in pro play has dramatically dropped while meta-champs namely Caitlyn and Ashe have witnessed meteoric increases in performance.

But as for Aphelios, Riot is presumably going easy since his kit is extremely gentle. This is a champion that can easily turn the table and take full advantage of matches, given his tactical weapons and his versatility with items. Riot might look for some early appearance from Aphelios to match his counterparts in the bot lane, but it is just conjecture.

Patch 10.19 notes

Moreover, Vayne is one champion that has a history of being shown in the bot lane at Worlds — and can be favored again. In competitive play, she can be flexed during the draft as a counter pick to specific top lane champs, but based on certain buffs she might see playing in the bot lane as well.

Sivir is yet another champion targeted by Riot. She is in line for some sort of buffs in the upcoming plans for Worlds. But these changes may not be intense enough to force Sivir into any of the team compositions.

Though, these are not the only champions on Riot’s radar. Apart from Ahri, Sylas, Ivern and Udyr Phoenix, Irelia is expected to receive some further buffs.

Caitlyn, Azir, Twisted Fate, and Senna ADC are receiving nerfs in Worlds Patch 10.19

The champions that hit with the nerfs hammer, however, play a crucial part in the current meta. This could lead to significant changes in the pick preference, based on how drastically the changes are in terms of numbers.

For eg, Azir has been one of the world’s most picked mid lane champions this split. According to Gamepedia, He had a 60 percent ban/pick percentage during the 2020 LCS Summer, an even greater 82,2 percent ban/pick in the LEC, and a 63,5 percent ban/pick rate in Korea. His performance by talented mid-laners playmaking is top tier but with those nerfs, he might face a decline in play rate at Worlds.

Patch 10.19 notes

Twisted Fate and Caitlyn are also some powers picks as many top players have in their champion pool. For many marksmen, Caitlyn is typically a safe choice, though Twisted Fate offers lots of map pressure and teamfight presence with his global ultimate.

Senna ADC, Nunu, and Talon were all placed on the list of nerfs as well. More details will be released on Tuesday, September 8, concerning these changes.