URF Kayle Guide: Hyper-carry Kayle

URF Kayle

Kayle has been at or around the top of the list for at least the past four URF cycles if you’re looking for a monster hyper-carry to dominate your URF games.

In URF, Kayle only has one weakness—she doesn’t acquire range until level six. Kayle can still poke respectably in the early lane phase because of Starfire Spellblade’s significantly reduced cooldown, though. Her enhanced auto attacks with E also provide a ton of damage to level-one champions, which can be useful for clearing out kills in the top lane brawl that occurs at the beginning of nearly every game.

Mid-lane is definitely where you want to be if you’re excellent at URF Kayle or if you like to play it safe; very few champions receive more experience from a solo lane than Kayle. Although side lanes might not offer the same experience increase, if you are relying more on a teammate for survival, you will more than make up for the lost XP.

No matter where you are, make an effort to get a few jungle camps whenever you get the chance. The level 11 and 16 breakpoints are Kayle’s ultimate targets because that is when she starts to truly pop off. Those breakpoints should be reached as soon as you can.

Runes and Spells

Lethal Tempo, Triumph, Alacrity, and Last Stand in the Precision tree are good places to start while building URF Kayle. If you see that the opposing squad is very tanky, you might want to switch from Last Stand to Cut Down. Choose Overgrowth and Bone Plating from the Resolve tree after that, and round out your page with Attack Speed, Adaptive Force, and Armor shards.

Flash and Ghost are recommended for URF Kayle

Skill Building

Grab an Amplifying Tome as soon as the game loads to boost your E ability. Your priority will be R, followed by E, Q, and W.


Berserker Greaves are URF Kayle’s primary item set, followed by Nashor’s Tooth and the Riftmaker Mythic. From there, if the other side has a lot of magic damage, you can either construct Wit’s End fourth or go for Rabadon’s Deathcap for a lot of damage. If you choose Wit’s fourth, you absolutely must have Rabadon’s for your fifth item.

Your sixth item comes in a variety of forms. Rylai’s Crystal Scepter is a wise choice if you see the opposition team is slick or runs a lot. Choose Void Staff if the opposing side has an excessive amount of tank power. You might appreciate using Lich Bane to blast apart the other squad if they are feisty and squishy.