Various LoL champions are exploiting this 1 item and here’s how it goes

Achieving perfect balance in LoL remains a hard goal, primarily because Riot Games continually tinkers with items, runes, and champions. In the current state of LoL, players have discovered a notably overpowered item that, when built, transforms champions into raid bosses.

Spear of Shojin is making LoL champions into raid bosses

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Riot Games, in Patch 13.17, buffed two well-known bruiser items: Goredrinker and Spear of Shojin. While the developers made adjustments to Goredrinker’s recipe, increasing the health it provides, Spear of Shojin received a comprehensive makeover. This included changes to its build path, combined cost, alterations to bonus health and attack damage, and the introduction of a remarkably potent passive effect.

When these items are combined, they synergize to create a formidable raid boss-like presence, yet Spear of Shojin itself plays a pivotal role in this transformation.

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Champions who heavily rely on the Spear of Shojin and Goredrinker combination include Kayn, Jarvan IV, Hecarim, Qiyana, and many more. Additionally, there are champions such as Nasus, Irelia, and Jax who prefer one of these items over the other and typically do not build both.

What makes this item combination particularly strong is not only the substantial bonus health and attack damage they offer but also their ability to turn any champion into a relentless spellcasting machine, akin to the rapid spellcasting pace of URF mode.

Furthermore, champions equipped with this combo become exceptionally tanky, surpassing even traditional tanks. When coupled with items like Death’s Dance and Black Cleaver, they become virtually unkillable, thanks to innate survivability and potent self-healing.

Image via Riot Games

Riot Games has taken note of how these champions have been dominating on Summoner’s Rift and is taking action in Patch 13.18 to address the issue. Surprisingly, Goredrinker has escaped the nerfs, while Spear of Shojin is receiving a minor reduction in attack damage.

While the item is seeing nerf, the LoL community has spoken out as the nerf nearly has any impact.

Image via Riot Games

In summary, it is expected that this item combination will remain formidable even after the Spear of Shojin nerfs in Patch 13.18. For those who have just learned about this synergy, there is still an opportunity to capitalize on its strength and exert dominance in solo queue.