Vastayan solo laner and new adorable monster champion are joining League’s never-ending roster

Riot Games has once again shared updates on its ambitious expansion of the League of Legends universe with Vastayan solo laner and new monster champion, unveiling a handful of new additions to the champion roster set to make their debut within the next year.

In the eagerly anticipated League champion roadmap update, players received a glimpse of the new champions slated to join the League.

Vastayan solo laner and new monster champion

Image via Riot Games

Alongside the previously teased artistic mid laner Hwei, two additional champions were introduced, each filling unique design roles not seen in the game before.

While these two new champions lack names, specific details about their intended lanes, or release dates, more information is expected to be unveiled in the upcoming months leading to their introduction on Summoner’s Rift.

Image via Riot Games

Following Hwei’s release later in the year, a new creature-type champion will enter the League. Described by Riot Lexical, the lead of the champions team, as “cuter” than previous monster champions, this upcoming champion is depicted in a teaser image as a blue egg-like object emitting flames from the top, alluding to smoldering powers.

Subsequently, a Vastayan solo laner is set to join the roster, likely designed for the top lane. Described as having the ability to “see what others easily overlook,” there is speculation that this Vastayan champion may have a unique vision-related mechanic similar to champions like Quinn or Ashe.

Xayah, Rakan, Ahri, etc are all Vastayan champions

While no teaser image was provided, it was noted that the new Vastayan champion has extended to the Freljord, a noteworthy detail uncommon among Vastayan champions.

While these announcements serve as teasers for what lies ahead in the next year, Riot also delved deeper into the upcoming mid lane mage Hwei and the rework for Skarner.

Both of these champions are expected to debut sooner rather than later. Fans can anticipate more detailed information on all the mentioned champions in this roadmap iteration over the coming months.