Insane Veigar Auto-Attack Build Was Discovered in League Patch 13.10

Is this a new meta, or players are just having fun with the new items?

Recently, League of Legends received one of its largest patches of the year. The game will be completely changed by Patch 13.10 in terms of items, power spikes, and everything else.

Players may try out and test various builds using the new item modifications to discover something they like. In general, this update will provide a lot of fresh ideas to League of Legends.

Image via Riot Games

This process appears to have begun rather fast because a player on the PBE developed a build for Veigar that enables him to do more damage with his basic attacks than with his ultimate.

League of Legends: New Veigar build

AmateurDamager, a Reddit user, wrote about this intriguing build on the League of Legends Reddit forum. He asserts that using the following build for Veigar will result in more damage output if more auto-attacks are performed.

According to the post, Lich Bane -> Rabadon’s Deathcap -> Statikk Shiv -> Stormrazor is the basic item build. While a Mythic is still possible, you are definitely looking for better attack speed if you want to use the Statikk Shiv and Stormrazor combination.

Image via Riot Games

To put it simply, the goal is to do damage by casting spells and utilising as many Spellblade and auto-attack procs as you can. However, as several Reddit users noted, there are significant issues with this approach.

Veigar can choose to use a crazy build, however it often does not do a lot of damage to all champions. His abilities inflict somewhat less damage overall because to this build’s lack of penetration. Veigar is employed as a burst mage, therefore you won’t use auto attacks very often.

Innovation is always a good idea, and we could see this applied to ARAMs more so than to Summoner’s Rift. Veigar won’t likely have time to use auto attacks to deal that much damage because Summoner’s Rift leaves a lot of open space.