Veigar URF guide: 1 hit 1 kill

Veigar URF overview

Another champion that has consistently placed high on the list of URF winners in recent memory is Veigar URF.

Similar to how Kayle’s tremendous level 11 and level 16 passive kicks make her an unstoppable death-ball at the conclusion of every game, Veigar’s Phenomenal Evil Power passive renders him virtually unbeatable late in games.

Veigar obtains a +2 ability power each time one of his abilities (including his Event Horizon E ability) hits an opposing champion. Veigar gains five more AP for each kill or helper. Veigar, who is perhaps the best per-ability damage dealer in all of League in the late stages of a URF game, can spam abilities swiftly and without restrictions in URF, which enables him to quickly accrue this amazing passive boost.

Veigar URF Guide

We like to go with a standard damage build, although some players prefer to build Veigar like a tank (his passive makes him a one-shot danger late in games regardless of his gear).

Veigar URF Runes

Veigar uses the Domination tree when it comes to URF. Dark Harvest, Taste of Blood, Eyeball Collection, and Treasure Hunter are good places to start your construction. Finish up your page with two Adaptive Force and one Armor shard, and then add Nullifying Orb and Transcendence from the Sorcery tree.

Grab Flash and Ghost for your summoner spells so you can engage or retreat and pursue runners with them.

Veigar URF Skills

Pick up an Amplifying Tome as your first item as you spawn in the game. Most players choose to increase E for their first ability when they level up in an effort to try and assure their team some kills in the opening top lane fight. At level one, we always choose Q (Baleful Strike). Veigar’s Q will enable you to quickly farm a large number of passive stacks due to the five-vs-five nature of the opening fight in the top lane. Unlike E, Q can assist you in getting multiple kills.

Due to Q-spamming Veigar’s passive, we frequently begin the lane phase with an extra 30 to 40 ability power, even in games where we don’t manage any level one kills. The advantage of not starting the lane phase with the drawback of lacking a damaging ability for initial poke and CS is also added.

If you do decide to use this advice and start with level one Q, you should add level two E before level three W (Dark Matter). Your skill maximum priority will therefore be R > Q > W > E.

Veigar URF Items

In URF, Luden’s Echo comes in first, followed by Sorcerer’s Shoes and Rabadon’s Deathcap. You then have a choice between two paths. Choose Banshee’s Veil as your fourth item if the adversary has troublesome CC or one-shot abilities (Annie, Malphite, Zed, and Blitzcrank are a few frequent annoyances). If you’re not experiencing those issues, build Shadowflame. Grab one of those two items for your fifth item before finishing your build with a Void Staff.

Veigar Tank Build

Veigar also has a cheese build that makes him exceedingly difficult to kill if you’re truly seeking to stick it to your opponents. You take Crown of the Shattered Queen in place of Luden’s Echo. Crown grants you a shield that shields you from all one-shot combinations in the game (such Malphite’s R or an Annie flash combination), in addition to being significantly less expensive than most Mythic goods. Add that, Banshee’s Veil, Zhonya’s Hourglass, Shadowflame, and Rabadon’s Deathcap to your deck. With this build, you will be nearly unkillable and yet deal enough damage to one-shot everyone.