Victorious Sejuani – Season 12 official rank rewards

As the League of Legends Season 12 ranked season comes to a close, Riot has now revealed the player prizes, which include the Victorious Sejuani skin. Here’s what you need to do if you want to get awarded for your ranked efforts.

League of Legends has a heritage of using the Victorious skins. Top players receive a skin from Riot each season to mark their ranked successes and flaunt it to the world.

A new Victorious Sejuani skin is being distributed to players in League of Legends Season 12. However, regardless of the rank they achieve, players who play with grace will receive a special Honor reward skin for the first time this season.

Here are the prerequisites to unlocking both League of Legends Season 12 end-of-season awards. You have until mid-November to complete them.

Victorious Sejuani

In League of Legends Season 12, take Victorious Sejuani’s place on the throne. Like those who have held the title before her, the leader of The Winter’s Claw is adorned with gold and purple regalia on her particular skin.

Depending on the rank you achieve in the Solo or Flex queue, the Victorious Sejuani skin also has chromas. You will receive a new chroma equivalent to that rank color for each tier above Gold. If you don’t already own her, you’ll also receive Sejuani Eternals, a Summoner emblem, and the champion.

By the end of November 14, 2022, if your rating is Gold or higher, you’ll get the Victorious Sejuani skin. Once the season is over, stay tight since it will take around a month for all players to receive it.